SDGs in Action: Student Challenge - Knowledge Fair

When: Mar 1, 2023, 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Save the Date! The SDGs in Action Knowledge Fair will take place on Wednesday, March 1st from 9 am to 11am EST via Zoom Webinar. Come learn and see York University students and their peers from around the world putting research into action as they demonstrate and express ways to address the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Join this virtual event to learn about the student projects for the SDGs!

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What is the Go Global SDGs in Action Knowledge Fair?
Funded by the Government of Canada's Global Skills Opportunity Fund, the Go Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Action Student Challenge [link to] aims to empower York University students and their peers around the world to take action toward the achievement of SDGs with a global lens. Through facilitated discussions, workshops, and immersive abroad opportunities, York students and their peers around the world have been honing their global competencies, leadership, digital fluency, and project management skills to take action on SDGs.

Learn More About SDGs In Action Student Challenge >>