UHIP Virtual Drop-In

March 1, 2023 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Do you have a question about UHIP? Join the weekly drop-in session to ask a question to a member of the UHIP Team. 

In advance of the drop-in hours, please review the UHIP website as your question may be answered. Common questions that our website addresses are UHIP refund eligibility, how to add a dependent, cost per month, coverage details, and how to submit a reimbursement claim. 

Visit the UHIP website: https://yorkinternational.yorku.ca/uhip/

Looking to book an appointment to process a graduate extension? Book here: https://yorkinternational.apps01.yorku.ca/machform/view.php?id=542277

New appointment times are added each week.

Zoom linkhttps://yorku.zoom.us/j/93772212069?pwd=WnlXSkViZGNTRThwSk82eVYxbFdkUT09

Meeting ID: 947 3686 7988
Passcode: 609458