Beat Winter Blues

The holidays can be a really tough time especially if this is your first time away from home.  It will seem even more challenging if you are in quarantine by yourself.  However, you don't have to feel isolated as you have a whole community around you that is eager to virtually connect with you.  You can also join other students for some or all of the virtual activities that York International has planned as outline here on our events calendar.

But if you are still feeling down and simply want some ideas on how to cope, there are lots of blogs and articles that you can read.  Here are a couple:

  1. 5 easy tips to beat the winter blahs
  2. 10 cool ways to make peace with winter and cheer up

General guidelines for beating the winter blues include eating healthy, exercising, meditating, connecting to your loved ones, doing something to treat yourself or volunteering to help others in need. If you need support, please visit our health and safety page.