Write Right: Academic Writing 101 (Study Meets Session)

September 27, 2024 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

The Study Meets Program is designed specifically to familiarize international students with the knowledge, skills and strategies required to succeed and thrive academically here at York University. You will receive guidance from our experienced and trained International Student Ambassadors on how to navigate challenging courses, group projects, classroom presentations and more. This is also a great opportunity to connect with other international students who are taking similar courses as you! 

What will you gain by attending Write Right: Academic Writing 101 session?

  • Academic Integrity: Understand the critical importance of maintaining academic integrity, including the various types of plagiarism and how to avoid them. Learn how to uphold ethical standards in your writing and research. 
  • Utilize Resources: Identify valuable tools, resources, and services available to support your research and writing assignments. Discover how these resources can streamline your academic work and enhance your writing skills. 
  • Master Citations: Learn how to create accurate citations and find sources in the appropriate formats required for academic writing. Gain confidence in properly attributing sources and building a well-researched paper. 
  • Effective Notetaking: Practice effective note-taking techniques to improve your learning and research efficiency. Enhance your ability to capture and organize information that will support your writing projects. 

Join us to develop essential academic writing skills and strategies to excel in your studies! Complete this registration form to secure your spot.