The Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization Virtual Conference is pleased to present the following speakers, listed in alphabetical order by first name.

Prof. Aaron Benavot
Professor, SUNY-Albany and former Director, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report

Adam Sherkin
Classical Pianist
Follow Adam: @adamsherkin

Dr. Addise Amado Dube
Head of Development and Communications, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology (EGST), Ethiopia
Addise Amado is a PhD Researcher at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/Middlesex University on the theme of ‘The Culture of Cleanliness: Modernization Efforts in Improving Sanitation in Ethiopia and the Roles of FBOs.’ He leads a Practicum Course and Field Education Programme on Development Studies and is Head of Development and Communications at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Addise will discuss our responsibility to bring back knowledge, innovative practices, and international experiences to our own schools and host communities and the threshold between academia and community service from a practitioner’s perspective.

Dr. Adel El Zaïm
Chief Internationalization Officer, University of Ottawa, Canada

Japanese R&B Singer
Japanese R&B star AI moves freely between pop, hip hop and dance, combining American soul with the deep emotion of Japanese ballads. Her international reputation has grown with exciting collaborations with Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, Jim Jones, Trey Songz, Lloyd, Jeremih, Boyz II Men, K’Naan, Judith Hill, Namie Amuro, Atsushi(EXILE), Rain, The Jacksons and Chaka Khan.
With her trademark husky voice, she instills soulful undertones into everything from inspirational ballads to upbeat dance numbers. Especially in Japan, her music is known for its strength and substance. Despite the fame she’s achieved, her down-to-earth personality shines during every performance. As AI will tell you, she’ll do anything to get a smile from her fans.
Ai’s currently celebrating her 20th anniversary with her new album “It’s All Me.”

Prof. Alessandra Scagliarini
Vice Rector for International Relations, Università di Bolongna, Italy
- Counselor for international strategies of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the Ministry of University and Research since July 2020 toward 2023.
- Board member of the Magna Charta Universitatum Observatory;
- Member of the SDGs five leading group of the IAU – International Association of Universities cluster on HESD since 2019;
- Former President and currently Member of the Board of Directors of the European University Alliance UNA Europa from 2020.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Bologna Process Anniversary and conference (Bologna June 24-25 2019).
- Member of the National Scientific Qualification board of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (for the period 2016-2018)
- Member of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research commission on restricted access degree programs (2013)
- Member of the ministerial technical board on technological districts, platforms and infrastructure (2009).

Alex Rendon

Althea Reyes
Sustainable Development Goals Coordinator at York University

Dr. Andrew Maxwell
Bergeron Chair in Technology Entrepreneurship, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Canada
Armed with an engineering degree and an MBA, and has worked in large multinational technology companies, and started four technology ventures, Andrew joined the University of Toronto’s technology transfer office, where he started the Exceler@tor, the University’s first incubator. He also taught technology commercialization at Rotman, and technology entrepreneurship at UTM. Frustrated by systemic challenges in translating research into innovation, he completed a PhD in the Management of Technology at Waterloo, winning the Academy of Management’s Heizer Award, while also teaching technology entrepreneurship to Waterloo undergraduate engineering students. He is now the Bergeron Chair in Technology Entrepreneurship, where among other things, he runs the BESTLab, co-founded Disruptive Innovation Hub and Dream Team and runs an international undergraduate course in technology entrepreneurship and a graduate course in technology commercialization for faculty and graduate students. Sustainability is a recurring theme in his courses, with undergraduate design courses requiring teams to work on a project tied to UNSustainability goals, and the annual UNHacks event focuses on providing intense experiential opportunities for students from across campus.

Dr. Ana Maria Martinez
Research Associate, Las Nubes Project, York University Las Nubes Programme, Canada
Ana Maria received her Ph.D. in Education from York University. Her dissertation focused on climate change enactments in Post-Secondary Educational Institutions in Canada, specifically she explored how policy and praxis influence climate change curricula and curricula formation in higher educational institutions.
Her previous work has gone from analyzing the behaviour and habits of Giant River Otters in the Colombian Amazon to exploring conservation and management strategies of endangered species of sea turtles in the Colombian Caribbean. Ana Maria also holds a Master’s in Environmental Studies (York University), a Specialization in Environmental Law (Externado of Colombia University) and a Bachelor’s in Marine Biology (Jorge Tadeo Lozano University).

Anna Veigel
Head, Kulturweit – International Volunteer’s Service, German Commission for UNESCO and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany

Atsufumi Yokoi
Vice President for Global Engagement Strategy, UNESCO Chairholder in Research and Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama University

Dr. Barnabas Nawangne
Vice-Chancellor, Member, Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, University of Makerere, Uganda
Architect Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has been the Vice-Chancellor of Makerere University since September 2017. Prof. Nawangwe holds a Master of Architecture and a PhD in Architecture from the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA). He is an honorary professor at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. Prof. Nawangwe was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration), (2013-2017), Principal of the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (2011-2013), Dean of the Faculty of Technology (2002-2011) and Head of the Department of Architecture from its inception (1989 - 2002), all at Makerere University. He has published more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals and has served as external examiner at several universities within and outside Africa.

Bosen Lily
Junior Policy Analyst, UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education (IESALC)
Bosen Lily Liu is a Junior Policy Analyst at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education (IESALC). At her current work, she has been conducting policy research mainly in the areas of: 1) Self- regulation and quality assurance in higher education; 2) Effects and impacts of the pandemic on higher education worldwide; 3) Opportunities brought by artificial intelligence in higher education management and instruction; and 4) Virtual learning, virtual research and virtual mobility in higher education. Before joining UNESCO IESALC, she has been a researcher on education policies for 8 years with diverse focuses in terms of regions (Africa, Europe, Latin America/Brazil, Asia/China, and North America/U.S), themes (mainly Higher Education, ICT in Education and Comparative and International Education), scope and methodology (international comparison, national and institutional analysis, and individual case studies). She places strong emphasis on the practical outcomes of research, reflected from her intensive experience in going beyond desk resources to spend time in the field for data collection in order to gain realistic understandings as well as first hand sources. Her works have contributed heavily to evidence-based policymaking and policy implementation as well educational program and project design.

Bushra Ebadi
Global Advisor to Aya Chebbi (African Union Youth Envoy)
Bushra Ebadi is a social innovator, interdisciplinary researcher, and storyteller focused on advancing peace, justice, and the agency of marginalized individuals and communities around the world through the mobilization of communities, knowledge, and resources. She is currently Global Advisor to Aya Chebbi (African Union Youth Envoy) in her role as a member of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. Bushra is an Executive Committee Member and Youth Advisor for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. She is Co-Founder of the Health and Information Literacy Access (HILA) Alliance and a Youth Ambassador for the UNESCO-led Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy. Bushra has conducted research and developed strategies on media and information literacy, global citizenship education and activism, inclusive governance, meaningful youth engagement, intergenerational dialogue and partnerships, women in leadership and peacebuilding, gender and youth mainstreaming, technology ethics, and migration and refugee system governance. She holds a Master of Global Affairs from the University of Toronto and a Joint Honours BA in Political Science and Philosophy, with minors in French and Management from McGill University. You can follow her on Twitter @Bushra_Ebadi.

Charles Hopkins
UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability at York University
Charles Hopkins holds the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability at York University Canada conducting research on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and coordinating two research networks. The first network is comprised of teacher education institutions spanning 50 countries focusing on the SDGs and the Global Education 2030 Agenda. The second network covering 40 countries aims to embed sustainability in curricula to improve the education of Indigenous youth. Hopkins consults for institutions worldwide including United Nations agencies, governments, universities and other education stakeholders. He is advisor to the UN University’s Institute of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development and their Global Network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD, and Co-Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute on ESD in Beijing China.

Cebu Normal University Choir
Christina Marton
President’s Ambassador and Environmental Science Undergraduate Student, York University, Canada
Christina Marton is a final year Environmental Science Student, with a degree focus of physical sciences in the areas of hydrology, geology, and remote sensing. After graduation she will be pursuing further education at master’s level with a career goal of working within the environmental field of research focusing on northern extreme climates. She hopes to develop innovative approaches of using remote sensing technologies to better understand hydrological and geologic changes that are taking place as climate warming occurs. She is regularly involved in the York University community as President's Ambassador, volunteer peer leader for York Universities new Environmental and Urban Change Faculty and sits on various academic planning and student-based committees. Her participation in faculty run committees includes advising on developing a new more hands-on curriculum with encouragement of a more global perspective while ensuring equitable and accessible methods of degree completion for all. Her experiences of travelling bring her a heightened awareness of the importance inclusive and accessible student exchanges and experiences gained are, in not only enhancing ones degree and employability, but in personal development and ability to form worldwide connections in ones field of work.

Dr. Daniel del Barrio Álvarez
Assistant professor, International Projects Laboratory, School of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Dr. Daniel del Barrio Álvarez is an assistant professor at the international projects' laboratory of the department of civil engineering at the University of Tokyo. Previously he was a project researcher at the Institute for Future Initiatives and specially appointed program faculty at the Global Leadership Program for Social Design and Management (GSDM), of which he is a member of the first class, both at the University of Tokyo. The GSDM was a special program supported by the Ministry of Education and involving 9 graduate schools to promote interdisciplinary doctoral research. His current research is centered around sustainability transition, energy policies, and social innovation.

Dr. Darla K. Deardorff
Executive Director, Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), USA

David Huerta Harris
Short-Term Mobility Director, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
David Huerta holds a B.A. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and M.A. with a concentration in Strategic Planning both by Tec de Monterrey. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate for the University of Hull U.K. Working 20 years in the higher education sector, he has served at the campus and national level in various directive roles and as a Business and Management lecturer throughout his career.
Before taking up his present position as the Director of Short-Term Mobility in September 2015 at the Vice-presidency of International Affairs, David Huerta served for five years as Director of Tec de Monterrey's International Liaison Office at Yale University. He previously had served as the Academic Dean overseeing undergraduate programs at Tecnológico de Monterey's Campus Veracruz Campus. He was also the Director of the Business and Administration Program and Head of the Students Affairs and Alumni Relations office.
In recent years David Huerta has been working closely with Tecnologico de Monterrey's faculty and staff to develop a set of innovative international programs for international students.

Della Burke
Coordinator of Campus Internationalization, ITESO, Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Della Burke has been working in International Education for 20 years. She is currently the Coordinator for Campus Internationalization at ITESO, the Jesuit University of Guadalajara and holds a master’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Arizona. Previously, she worked in the international offices of a number of public and private universities in the United States and Mexico. In 2019, she led the Commission for Internationalization at ITESO and guided the interdepartmental team which devised the strategic internationalization plan. Della leads a team of cross-faculty academics to ensure that meaningful internationalization is accessible and increasing across all departments.

Dr. Diane Barbarič
Higher Education Public Policy Researcher, University of Toronto, Canada
Diane Barbarič is a researcher in higher education public policy, specializing in outbound student mobility (i.e., student exchanges and internships abroad). Her research spans six jurisdictions (Canadian federal level, Ontario, Quebec, England, France, and Germany) and examines both the politics behind and the value of outbound student mobility. She has presented her research widely at national and international conferences and is the author of numerous publications. She has a PhD in Higher Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, with a collaborative specialization in Comparative, International, and Development Education. Prior to returning to Canada to undertake her doctoral studies, Diane was the Head of the Higher Education and Youth Mobility Division of the Canadian Embassy in France. She has a BA(Hons) from McGill University, an MA from New York University, a DEA from the Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, and an MSc in Public Policy and Management from SOAS, University of London (UK). Diane has received a number of national grants in support of her research, including the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship, and is a member and reviewer for several scholarly associations both in Canada and abroad.

Dr. Dominique Scheffel-Dunand
Academic Lead, Globally Networked Learning Initiative, York University, Canada
Professor in Linguistics in French Studies at York University, Dominique enjoys working on challenges bilingual education and societies face locally and globally to investigate the critical role of suspending one’s judgment in intercultural dialogues across communities. Her research in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, conversations, media and language systems (natural, artistic and computational) shaped her current work on critical pedagogies with a focus on student-centred learning and open pedagogy in intercultural environments. Measuring the impact of computation and digitality on education encouraged her to co-lead the French as Second Language Hub (FSL Hub/Pôle FLS) to mobilize, accelerate and engage various stakeholders to transform the field of FSL with a focus on equity accessibility and inclusion.

Prof. Don Dippo
Professor, Faculty of Education, Co-Director of Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER), York University, Canada
Don Dippo is a University Professor in the Faculty of Education at York University. His interests include: the social and political organization of knowledge, environmental and sustainability education, global migration and settlement; university/community relations; and teacher education. Together with Professor Rachel Silver, he co-directs the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) project ( ), an initiative designed to bring post-secondary education opportunities to people living in the Dadaab refugee camps in northeastern Kenya. He serves on the Executive Committee of the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University and is on the Board of Directors of Success Beyond Limits, a not-for-profit, community-based organization that supports high school age youth in Toronto’s Jane/Finch community

Dzulkifli bin Abdul Razak
Rector and Past President of the International Association of Universities, International Islamic University, Malaysia

Emma Sabzalieva

Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela
Director, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, Thailand
Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela is presently the Director of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, the first female Director since SEAMEO was organized in 1965. She served as the first female Deputy Director for Programme and Development of SEAMEO Secretariat from July 2015 to March 2019 and led the Educational Research and Innovation Office of SEAMEO INNOTECH, from 2006 to June 2015.
Prior to joining SEAMEO, she was and Director IV of the Office of Student Services and Director III at the International Affairs Services in the Commission on Higher Education Philippines (1995-2006) and was responsible for foreign and local scholarship programs, academic mobility and transnational education. She has also served as Vice Chairperson of the UNESCO National Commission Education Commissioner (2000-2010). She is a Professorial lecturer at the University of the Philippines and De la Salle University in Manila.
Dr Valenzuela holds Doctor of Education in Educational Management at De La Salle University, MA in Science Education at the Philippine Normal University and Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education major in English and General Science.

Fabio Nascimbeni
Senior Expert, UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union, Italy

Dr. Felipe Montoya
Las Nubes Project Director, Chair of Neotropical Conservation, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University

Dr. Francisco Marmolejo
Education Advisor, Qatar Foundation and Former Global Lead of Tertiary Education, World Bank, Qatar
Francisco Marmolejo is since February 2020, the Education Advisor of Qatar Foundation, based in Doha, Qatar, providing support and advice towards the enhancement of the overall education strategy of QF and its unique eco-system of innovative education. Previously (2012-20), he worked at the World Bank, where he served as the Global Higher Education Lead, based in Washington, DC., and more recently as Lead Higher Education Specialist for India and South Asia, based in Delhi. From 1995 to 2012, he served as founding Executive Director of the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration, a network of more than 160 universities mainly from Canada, USA and Mexico, based at the University of Arizona, where he also worked as Assistant Vice President, Affiliated Researcher at the Center for the Study of Higher Education, and Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Latin American Studies. Previously, he has been American Council on Education Fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Academic Vice President of the University of the Americas in Mexico, and International Consultant at OECD in Paris. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from his Alma Mater, the University of San Luis Potosi, and the University of Guadalajara in Mexico.

Dr. Gabriela Geron
Director of Partnerships, Innovation, and Communications, Hemispheric University Consortium
Dr. Gabriela Geron has over 20 years of experience in higher education. She holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a focus on IT Management in Higher Education Institutions from Universidad de Cantabria, Spain. Her Master of Science in Quality Systems and Bachelor of Industrial Engineer are from Tec de Monterrey, Mexico. Her research is focused in how technology supports the international competitiveness of higher education institutions and helps their students succeed obtaining a Summa Cum Laude distinction in her dissertation for her contribution to Latin America internationalization and received the Innovation, Technology and Industry Award granted by the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Titulados Mercantiles y Empresariales de Cantabria as the best Ph.D. Thesis. She was part of the Women in Education Leadership Program at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, cohort 2017. She is an individual contributor of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), associate researcher of Universidad de Monterrey, reviewer of international journals, speaker at international conferences, author of academic papers, chapter books and blogs.
Prior to joining University of Miami, she served as Director of Engagement Strategy, Operations Senior Manager and Solutions Consultant at Ellucian, a private software company with over 2,700 customers in more than 50 countries. She has acted as a Consultant for the University of Monterrey and Planning Director for Tec de Monterrey. She was also professor at the University of Monterrey, the Culinary Institute of Mexico and Tec de Monterrey.
As the Director of Partnerships, Innovation, and Communications, she develops strategies and key initiatives to build and/or enhance global partnerships with higher education institutions consistent with University of Miami’s Roadmap to the New Century strategic plan. She also plays a key role in the Hemispheric Innovation Hub initiative and oversee the communications of the hemispheric and global affairs area. Dr. Geron is part of the Hemispheric University Consortium Secretariat where she coordinates different initiatives in education and innovation and is responsible of the consortium’s Website, social media channels and communications operations.

Giorgio Marinoni
Manager, HE and Internationalization, International Association of Universities (IAU), France
Giorgio Marinoni has been Manager of Higher Education and Internationalization at the International Association of Universities (IAU), since February 2015. He oversees Internationalization as one of the four strategic priorities of the Association.
Among his responsibilities at IAU are research projects, advisory services and external representation of the Association for what concerns internationalization.
He is the coordination of the ISAS (2.0) programme of advisory services for advancing internationalization and the coordinator of the Network of International Education Associations, NIEA, a global network of non-profit, non-government associations whose main stated purpose is to advance international higher education.
He has recently published the report of the 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education and of the 1st Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education.
Before his current position at IAU, Giorgio Marinoni worked for UNICA, the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, in the field of internationalization and higher education policy and reform at the European level and beyond.
He has been an active member of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at local, national and international level, and served the ESN as its President in 2007 – 2008.

Prof. Hans De Wit
Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Fellow, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College, USA

Heather Williams
Work Integrated Learning: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Project Manager, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Helen Balderama
Associate Director, International Partnerships and Programs at York International

Prof. Hirofumi Makino
M.D., Ph.D.,President of Okayama University since 2017
Okayama University is well-connected with its partner institutions worldwide in the pursuit of sustainable development. Okayama University became the first national university in Japan to be selected by the U.S. Department of State as a partner institution for the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in 2019. President Makino is regularly invited to speak at the United Nations, World Economic Forum and other high-level conferences to share his expertise.

Heila Lotz-Sisitka
Environmental Learning Research Centre (ELRC), Rhodes University, South Africa

Dr. Hilligje van't Land
Secretary-General, International Association of Universities, France
Dr. Hilligje van’t Land serves the global higher education community as Secretary-General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) - global NGO with UNESCO Associate Status. For the past two decades, she has fostered the key role of higher education in societal transformation. She supervises the overall programme activities of the IAU, develops the Association’s strategic plans and oversees the everyday work of the secretariat. She positioned the IAU as a partner in UNESCO work on Education for sustainable development and in the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative, and higher education as a key stakeholder for the UN Agenda 2030 – Transforming our world. Hilligje van’t Land strongly believes in the importance of international cooperation and intercultural understanding and has developed multilateral projects related to higher education and beyond. She represents IAU in various working groups and expert committees including at the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the UN.
Hilligje van’t Land holds a PhD in comparative francophone literature, speaks six languages and published on higher education issues of relevance locally and globally.

Prof. Hugo Cahueñas
Professor, Law and International Relations, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

Humayra Rashid Safa
Academic Committee Member and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Education Officer at the SDG Hub of York University
Humayra serves as the SDG Education Officer at the SDG Hub of York University. She is a fourth-year international student from Bangladesh majoring in International Development Studies. In her role as the education officer, she organizes events for YorkU students related to knowledge-sharing, learning about and engagement with the SDGs. She also sources out on and off campus opportunities for the SDG Hub members to learn about and engage with the SDGs. Finally, she assists with SDG mobilization along the “Knowledge” aspect of York’s Sustainability Strategy.
Apart from her involvement at the SDG Hub, Humayra serves as a residence life education assistant where she assists in the various educational initiatives undertaken in the residence building of York University. She is a former student club peer mentor of the Centre of Student Community and Leadership Development (SCLD) and she is the current co-president of the International Development Students’ Association. When Humayra is not working, volunteering or studying, she enjoys nature walks and hanging out with my friends.
For questions about the SDG Hub, student clubs and residence life, you know your girl! She can be contacted at
Dr. Ian Garrett

Isabelle LeVert-Chiasson
Education Programme Officer, CCUNESCO, Canada

Isabel Toman
Programme Officer for Sustainable Development at the International Association of Universities (IAU), based in Paris at UNESCO
Prof. Itzel Barrera de Diego
Professor, Law and International Relations, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Dr. Ivana Žganjar
International Relations Coordinator, University of Zagreb

Dr. James C. Simeon
Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, Canada
Dr. James C. Simeon, Head of McLaughlin College, is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada. He is a Member-at-Large of the Executive of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) and a past President of CARFMS. He also serves as the Coordinator of the International Association for Refugee and Migration Judges' (IARMJ) Inter-Conference Working Party Process. His primary areas of research are international refugee law, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and public policy and public administration. He has published widely in these areas of research and he has organized and led many highly successful academic and professional conferences, symposia, and workshops.

Jana Dlouhá
Second Vice-Chairman of the Czech Commission for UNESCO, Charles University, Czech Republic

José Luis Wong Villanueva

Dr. Judith Naidorf
Independent Researcher of CONICET, Institute of Research in Educational Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kalolin Johnson
Allison Bernard Memorial High School (UNESCO-Affiliated) in Eskasoni, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dr. Kao-Cheng Wang
Vice President, International Affairs, Tamkang University, Taiwan
- Dean, College of International Affairs, Tamkang University, Taiwan
- Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
- President, Association of International Relations
Dr. Wang received his Ph. D. degree of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. He had served as a National Assemblyman of the ROC from 1996 to 2000 and in 2006 and the Director of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies at TKU from 2003 to 2009. His research areas are U.S. Foreign Policy, China’s Foreign Policy, Sino-U.S. Relations, Asia-Pacific Regional Security and the Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations.
He published a book of《Transformation through Engagement: The Clinton Administration’s Foreign Strategy toward China》in 2005 and edited a book of 《The National Security Strategy of Taiwan under the New Cross-Strait Situations》in 2009. He has also written many articles regarding the Cross-Strait relations, the Sino-US relations and regional security in Asia-Pacific in recent years.

Katrin Kohl
Executive Coordinator to the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability"
Katrin Kohl is the Focal Point for SDG 4 on Quality Education in the Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Global Cluster, with the International Association of Universities. She is the Executive Coordinator to the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability at York University, responsible for overall strategy and coordination of global research projects. She is a lawyer and holds an MBA. Prior to her engagement with York University, Katrin served as the Managing Director of the German Commission for UNESCO and in other management positions in Germany, at the University of Duesseldorf and the Cornelsen International Publishing House.

Larissa Bezo
President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Bureau for International Education, CBIE, Canada

Dr. Liette Vasseur
Dr. Vasseur is a full professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Brock University where she is also a member of the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre. Since 2014, she holds the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Chair on Community Sustainability: From Local to Global at Brock. Her research program is highly interdisciplinary and links issues such as community-based ecosystem management, climate change adaptation and resilience, and sustainable agriculture. Her research program is not only in Canada, but also in China, where she is a visiting scholar at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, in Ecuador, and in West Africa, mainly in Burkina Faso and Senegal. She is also involved in women in Science (STEM) and former president of the Canadian Coalition for Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology. She is President of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. She also is the vice-chair for North America Region of the Commission for Ecosystem Management at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and leads the thematic group on Ecosystem Governance.

Lisa Philipps
Professor Lisa Philipps is the Provost & Vice-President Academic of York University. Prior to her current position, she served as Interim Dean of the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University (fall 2015), and Associate Vice-President Research at York University from 2011-14. As Provost & Vice-President Academic, she provides leadership to the senior academic administrative team in the areas of academic planning, institutional change management, the alignment of academic priorities and resources, and strategic enrolment and complement planning. Current initiatives focus on institutional priorities around academic quality, the student experience and student success, community engagement, financial sustainability and the engagement of the York community. York is at an exciting time increasing its reputation as a comprehensive, research-intensive University known internationally for developing interdisciplinary curriculum bridging liberal arts, sciences, health and professional programs. The opening of the new Bergeron Engineering building, the establishment of a Global Health Research Institute, and the expansion of York’s bilingual programs at our Glendon campus, are just a few examples of the opportunities that York continues to embrace.

Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds
Former Vice Provost of Global Affairs and Assistant Vice President of International Relations, Ohio University, USA

M. Nobuyuki Kambara
Vice Director of the Institute of Global Human Resource Development, Okayama University, Japan

Dr. Mark Terry
Director of Youth Climate Report, UNESCO Chair Associate, York University, Canada
Mark Terry is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a contract professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto, and a documentary filmmaker. He has travelled throughout the world’s polar regions on several occasions documenting climate research.
He has been decorated by Queen Elizabeth II for this work with her Diamond Jubilee Medal and by The Explorers Club with its Stefansson Medal, the organization's highest honour. The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television gave him the rarely-presented Humanitarian Award for his unique contributions in bridging the gap between science and policy through film with the United Nations.
He has taught a Master Class in Arctic documentary filmmaking for the American Conservation Society’s 50th anniversary celebrations of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has also lectured on polar filmmaking to aboriginal graduate students at the Arctic College of the Peoples of the North in St. Petersburg, Russia.
He is the author of the book The Geo-Doc: Geomedia, Documentary Film, and Social Change published by Palgrave Macmillan as well as Pandemic Poetry, both released this year. His new film, The Changing Face of Iceland, is due for release this Spring.

Marierose Talla
Global Learning Coordinator, York International, York University
Marierose Talla is passionate about interculturality, global engagement, and the student experience.
As the Global Learning Coordinator at York International, assisting in several global learning projects, including the Globally Networked Learning Initiative, Summer Abroad, and the Sustainable on the Go Conference. As a York University Alumna of Glendon’s International Studies and Political Science Program, Prior to joining York International, she had completed an Internship at Pinelands Creative Workshop, a leading non-governmental organization in Barbados, supporting youth programs and partnerships. Marierose Talla holds an international baccaleaureate, with a double major in International Studies and Political and a Certificate of Law and Social Thought from York University, Glendon College.

Masaki Umeda
M.Eng Candidate, School of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Mr. Masaki Umeda is a Master’s student in the department of civil engineering at the University of Tokyo. His research is currently centered around migration policy based on Twitter Big Data, and also participated in other research programs related to energy policy. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tokyo in 2020.

Prof. Matthias Barth
Co-Director, Institute for Sustainable Development and Learning (ISDL), Leuphana University, Germany

Dr. Mirian Vilela
Director, Earth Charter Center on Education for Sustainable Development at University for Peace, Costa Rica

Nidhu Jagoda
Youth Coordinator, SDSN Youth, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Canada
Nidhu Jagoda BSc Hons (UWat) is pursuing a master’s of climate change at the University of Waterloo (UW). Her research interests lie in climate change emerging technologies and innovations, science literacy, sustainable development policy framework, and climate change diplomacy and partnership development. She currently works as the Network Coordinator for the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – Canada Youth Chapter. She formerly worked as a Teaching Assistant, UW; Junior Hydrogeologist, Matrix Solutions; Geochemical Laboratory Assistant, Groundwater Geochemistry and Remediation Research Group (GGR); Environmental Assistant, Environmental Services and Contaminated Sites (ESCS); and Operations and Outreach assistant, Innovation LAB. She wrote a research thesis under the guidance of the Ecohydrology Research Group. She served on the board of numerous executive committees at UW including as a voting member, Science Society Board of Directors; Co-President, Earth and Environmental Science Undergraduate Society (WATROX); Director of Marketing and Outreach, Impact Alliance; Team Lead, 180 Degrees Consulting: and Sponsorship Coordinator, ENACTUS. She is an honoree of the Duncan F. McIvor Memorial Award, UW President’s Scholarship, and the Graduation Dean’s Honours List amongst others. In her free time, she enjoys playing board games, DIY projects, a variety of mediums of artistic expression, and exploring the great outdoors.
Nina Jelača
University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts
- Administration of European funds certificate
- Master’s degree in Library science, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia (2011-2014)
- Master’s degree in Museum Study and Heritage Management, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia (2011-2014)
- Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia (2008-2011)
In her work she deals with cataloging books, maintaining library supplies, updating records, and assisting students and faculty with locating research materials and structuring assignments based on library resources as well as administration of EU-funded projects.

Dr. Noah Sobe
Senior Project Officer for the Futures of Education Global Initiative, UNESCO, France

Dr. Pankaj Mittal
Secretary-General, Association of Indian Universities, India
Paulo Alcedo and Dr. Patrick Alcedo
Recipient of the President's University-Wide Teaching Award, Dr. Patrick Alcedo is Associate Professor in and Graduate Program Director of the Department of Dance, York University. A leading scholar in Philippine dance, among his many recognitions are a Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution, an Early Researcher Award from the Government of Ontario, and a Selma Jeanne Cohen Award for International Dance Scholarship from the Fulbright Association of America.

Dr. Peter Wells
Chief, Higher Education, UNESCO, France

Dr. Ravi de Costa
Chair of the President's Sustainability Council, York University, Canada

Rhonda L. Lenton
Ph.D., York University’s eighth President and Vice-Chancellor on July 1, 2017.

Sandra Guarín
Director, Office for International Relations, Universidad Antoinio Nariño, Colombia

Sébastien Goupil
Secretary-General of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO

Sjur Bergan
Head of Education Department, Council of Europe, Belgium
Sjur Bergan is Head of the Education Department of the Council of Europe and leads the current Council of Europe projects on Competences for Democratic Culture and the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees. He has represented the Council of Europe in the Bologna Follow Up Group and Board since 2000 and chaired three successive working groups on structural reforms in 2007 - 15. Sjur was a member of the editorial group for the Council’s White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue and a main author of the Lisbon Recognition Convention as well as of recommendations on the public responsibility for higher education; academic freedom and institutional autonomy; and ensuring quality education. Sjur Bergan is series editor of the Council of Europe Higher Education Series and the author of Qualifications: Introduction to a Concept and Not by Bread Alone as well as of numerous book chapters and articles on education and higher education policy. Sjur was also one of the editors of the Raabe Handbook on Leadership and Governance in Higher Education (2009 – 15) and one of the session coordinators at the Bologna Process Researchers’ Conferences in 2015, 2018 and 2020. He is the recipient of the 2019 European Association for International Education Award for Vision and Leadership.

Sota Matsumoto
Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Law, Okayama University, Japan
Sota established student organisation for international cooperation at Okayama university. This organizing complteted some international projects such as building a library in Nepal, as well as local projects for revitalisation of Okayama city where the university is located.
In his second year of university, he studied abroad at University of Edinburgh in UK for about a year. There, he studied international law (his same major at Okayama University), international relations, international development, and politics. He also participated One Young World 2019 in London. This is often called young version of Davos meeting. From the interest in international cooperation and these international experiences, now he is especially interested in making international development compatible with tackling social issues in Japan. For example, regional revitalisation is serious problem in Japan. Regional management and revaitalisation through economic promotion, people-to-people exchange would be beneficial for both developing countries and Japan.
As Sota will start his career at international cooperation sector from this spring, he would like to pursue the international cooperation and social issues in Japan.

Takudzwa Mutize
Takudzwa Mutize is a Junior Policy Analyst at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education (IESALC) where he is conducting research on a broad set of issues in relation to higher education including virtual mobility, self-regulation in the governance of higher education, universal access to higher education and the contribution of higher education to the SDGs. Previously, he has worked for the United Nations Development Programme, the African Capacity Building Foundation and UNESCO’s Regional Office for Southern Africa. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Rhodes University, South Africa and is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics with the University of the Free State in South Africa.

Theodore Peridis
Professor, Strategic Management, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
Theo has extensive experience developing and managing globally oriented programs. He is the Director of the School’s unique Global Leadership Program, which he founded in 1992. The Program pairs Schulich MBA students with students from leading business schools around the world to develop market entry strategies for companies looking to expand internationally. He also served as Director of the India MBA Program, based in Hyderabad, and Director of the India Executive MBA Program.
In addition to his international experience and expertise, Theo led several important external initiatives at Schulich. He was the Founder and Director of the Aboriginal Economic Development Program from 1993 to 2010. He also served as Director of the York Consulting Group, the largest business school consulting firm in Canada, from 1999 to 2011. In terms of Faculty activities, he was Chair of the Policy and Strategic Management Area at Schulich from 1999 to 2011, Chair of the school’s 50th Anniversary steering committee (2014-16), and Director of the Strategy Field Study, the hallmark capstone course for Schulich graduate students, overseeing more than 1,200 strategic consulting projects over a period of 14 years.
Professor Peridis’ research focuses on the critical decisions of strategists, the integration challenges of mergers and acquisitions, and the internationalization efforts of start-ups. Other areas of expertise include: International Alliances and Partnerships; International Business; and International Joint Ventures.

Tyrone Hall
Head of Communications NDC Partnership, World Resource Institute, USA

Vania Ramírez-Camacho
Associate Regional Director, Political Science and International Relations Department, School of Social Science and Government, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Vinitha Gengatharan
Executive Director of York International

Wagaye Johannes
Director of Operations & Organizational Development, Diversity Abroad, USA
Wagaye Johannes is the Director of Operations and Organizational Development at Diversity Abroad. Born in Ethiopia and raised with a foot on either side of the Atlantic, Wagaye’s personal and academic background led her to the field of international education, where she has focused on expanding international opportunities for all students as well as examining diversity and inclusion in a global context. Prior to joining Diversity Abroad, Wagaye worked at the Institute of International Education (IIE) where, in 2014, she launched the national campaign “Generation Study Abroad” to increase and diversify study abroad participation. Her international experience includes working at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Fulbright Center in Amsterdam, and serving as Deputy Director of IIE Europe in Hungary. She holds an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Amsterdam and a B.A. in International Relations from Mount Holyoke College.

Wang Guantong

Wessen Rawazik
International Projects Officer, York International, York University, Canada
Wessen Rawazik is a higher education expert with deep experience in higher education, student recruitment and retention, and internationalization in a variety of capacities. Most recently, she was Head of Global Projects at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.
Prior to that appointment, she served as Head of Quality Assurance and Director of Higher Education, Regulations and Compliance for the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai. While in that role, Wessen had the opportunity to work closely with the government on licensure approvals and quality assurance measures.
Wessen is currently a DBA candidate in Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. She holds a Master of Arts in International Relations from the University of Windsor and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (Hons.) from the University of Western Ontario. She is fluent in Arabic.