2025 Global Internship and Research Placements

The positions listed below typically have a duration of 3 months (unless otherwise specified). New internship hosts are added to the list annually between October and January. Check back often for new placements and providers. Applications will open in mid-October. Visit our Global Internships & Research Placements page for more information on how to apply.  

  • York University has financial support available to help offset the costs of your program abroad. Please visit our funding page to learn more about the York International Mobility Award (YIMA), our prestigious endowed scholarships, and external awards available to students. Learn more about funding
  • Know your deadlines - visit our deadlines page to ensure you don't miss out on the opportunity to apply
  • Questions? Speak to a global learning coordinator - visit our Contact Us page for information on drop-in advising, information sessions, and appointments.
  • Application for summer 2025 will open on October 3rd, 2024.




Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location Universidad Austral
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami


Programs Available Programs of Study
Type of Placement In-Person
Placement Dates
  • 8 - 12 weeks between May and August
  • *** Dates vary depending on programs.***
Number of Spots
  • 1 - 2 Spots.
  • ***Varies depending on programs***
  • Minimum GPA - 5.5
  • Minimum 3 years of study at the home institution.
  • ***Varies depending on programs***
Housing Information
  • Uni Graz does not have a student dorm but there are a great number of different student dorms available in Graz. Students will receive information on student housing options and can decide which one they want to apply to.



Organization Pinelands Creative Workshop (PCW)
Location St. Michael, Barbados
Type of placement Remote and in-person
Website http://www.pinelandscreativeworkshop.org
Position Description The intern will engage in research that will form the basis for program and project proposal development. This will extend to the implementation and monitoring and evaluation of programs. Please view the full job description for more information.
Language English
Testimonial “Some highlights of my internship were that I was able to participate in a high-level panel discussion and emcee one of our closing ceremonies. I was also able to connect with prolific organizations like the Ministry of Labour and UN Women." - Marierose T, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.


Organization Know-How Centre for Alternative Care for Children
Location Sofia, Bulgaria
Type of placement Remote and In-person
Website http://knowhowcentre.nbu.bg/
Position Description The Centre is looking to hire two interns - a research intern and a marketing intern - to produce content for the Child Protection Hub and to promote the Hub in the region. Please view the full job description for more information.
Language English
Testimonial “It is during your time away that you have a deeper understanding of yourself as a being, and this was a tremendous character building exercise. It was an amazing opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life. I am walking away more conscious and aware of issues that the world currently faces." - Tinotenda M, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.



Organization Fulbright Canada - Killam Fellowship Program
Location Ottawa, Canada
Type of placement In-person
Website http://www.fulbright.ca/

The Killam Fellowships Program is an outstanding opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada. Participate in this transformative exchange program and spend either one semester or a full academic year in the United States. Please click here to view the full job description for more information.

Language  English
  • Canadian citizenship
  • Full-time registered undergraduate student at a Canadian university
  • English proficiency
  • Competitive GPA
  • This is an unpaid position.
  • The internship is facilitated by York International under it's Global Internship Program.
  • The successful candidate will receive the York International Internship Award in the amount of $1000/month for a total of 3 months (up to $3000).
  • Fulbright Canada will provide extra $2K for Summer 2024.
  • This will bring the total compensation for the York Global Intern to $5000 (including the $3000 offered by York University) for the duration of three months internship.
  • Late March 2024
  • 35 hours per week
Testimonial “Completing a global internship shows employers that you take initiative, are independent, and can thrive in environments that require you to interact with people from all walks of life. In the three months that I spent on my internship, I gained experience working for an international organization, met the best and brightest from the U.S. and Canada; and most importantly, learned a lot about myself both personally and professionally." - Ana V, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.
Testimonial “My summer internship with Fulbright Canada as well as my time in Ottawa were both an incredible experience for me where I learned a lot about myself. I loved the feeling of freedom and exploration that came with being in a new place and fulfilling another travel goal! It brought back memories from when I arrived in Canada on my own at the age of 18, all tentative and unsure but filled with dreams. Everyone I met taught me so much in a professional and personal sense, I am truly grateful to have met such amazing people through this opportunity." - Liz L, summer 2019 intern

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Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
  • Universidad Andrés Bello 
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami


Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location Universidad de Los Andes
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami


Type of placement In-Person
Overview CALAREO is offering research internships to full-time undergraduate students at our member universities.
  • 12-16 weeks in length; many internships meet co-op requirements
  • full-time (30-40 hours per week)
  • All disciplines are eligible
  • May be completed during the Summer 2023, Fall 2023, or Winter 2024 semesters
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply for co-funding from Mitacs; must apply 5-6 months in advance
  • While the language of the internships is usually English or French, some may require Spanish
  • Click here to view list of internships
  • Must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Must have completed or will complete at least 2 years of your program before the internship begins
  • Must continue to have student status throughout the internship (students who have graduated or expect to graduate before the completion of the internship are not eligible)
  • For Mitacs: Must have at least a “B” average for the two semesters preceding the internship


Organization Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation (COTERC), Mammal Monitoring Technician
Location Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Type of placement In- Person
Website http://coterc.org
Position Description The intern, working under the direction of the COTERC station manager at the Caño Palma Biological Station, will continue the established comparative transects used in the large mammal monitoring program (includes surveys of neotropical river otters). The intern will work in coordination with the station manager and research coordinator to maintain the transects and with routine data collection for tracks on these transects. The intern will also assist in the ongoing sea turtle conservation program and other programs where deemed necessary. Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Biological background preferred, with knowledge of conservation      biology and the development of renewable resource management.
Additional Information Interns pay $255 a week towards their housing, food (3 meals a day) and training/supervision. They also cover their transportation costs for arrival and departure to/from the station.
Language English; a sound knowledge of Spanish is important but not required.
Testimonial “I definitely believe that I came out of it with a well-developed sense of self-discipline and conscientiousness. I now feel like it is a lot easier for me to handle negative emotions and navigate unpleasant situations. As for professional accomplishments, I have developed an excellent attention to detail and the ability to apply my theoretical training in order to solve complex problems out in the field." - Kateryna Z, summer 2018 intern

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Organization Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation (COTERC), Research Assistant (Marine Turtle Study)
Location Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Type of placement In- Person
Website http://coterc.org
Position Description The intern will work under the guidance of the COTERC manager at Caño Palma Biological Station, and with current program leaders on the north beach with the ongoing sea turtle conservation program. The intern will also assist the large mammal monitoring program (includes surveys of neotropical river otters) and other projects as deemed necessary. The intern will get the opportunity to participate in a range of research. Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Biological background preferred, with knowledge of conservation      biology and the development of renewable resource management.
Additional Information Interns pay $255 a week towards their housing, food (3 meals a day) and training/supervision. They also cover their transportation costs for arrival and departure to/from the station.
Language English; a sound knowledge in the Spanish language with good communications skills is useful.
Testimonial “I gained a much deeper appreciation for environmental awareness. I would strongly encourage other students to participate in global experiences and expand their comfort zone. In regards to the COTERC internship, it opened my eyes to how much you can travel with a Biology degree and use it as another avenue to explore the world." - Jasmine J, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.


Organization Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation (COTERC), Community Conservation
Location Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Type of placement In- Person
Website http://coterc.org
Position Description Interns will work under direction of the Station Manager and Research Coordinator, to develop environmental education resources. In a program ever-evolving to meet an unpredictable educational environment, we aim to create resources which can be displayed in the community or the classroom. Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Biological background preferred, with knowledge of conservation      biology and the development of renewable resource management.
Additional Information Interns pay $255 a week towards their housing, food (3 meals a day) and training/supervision. They also cover their transportation costs for arrival and departure to/from the station.
Language Fluent English; advanced Spanish

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Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami


Organization Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (CIS)
Location San Salvador, El Salvador
Website http://www.cis-elsalvador.org/
Overview The CIS is a multi-faceted organization, with many programs supporting education, organizing, and social justice and we are always looking for people committed to solidarity and social justice to participate in our programs.
When Can You Go
  Internship Start Date: Internship End Date:
English-School teacher Aug 09, 2023 Nov 22, 2024
Clean-Water-Campaign Aug 09, 2023 Dec 31, 2024
CIS Salvadoran Enterprises for Women Aug 09, 2023 Dec 31, 2024
Marketing Intern Aug 09, 2023 Dec 31, 2024
  • For English teacher opportunity: we do not need a specific level of study. we need open minded people able to discuss topics related with social justice (online and In-person positions).
  • For the rest of the volunteers opportunity, we are requesting for an advance Spanish, also we do not need a specific level of study.
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • $100.00 administrative cost. You must pay it before start your volunteer with us.
  • Housing: Costs $90 per week, which includes both breakfast and dinner, plus it’s a great way to practice the Spanish. Most of the families are located fairly close to the CIS office and offer a safe environment. The volunteers have the opportunity to improve their Spanish skills with
Language English; advanced Spanish

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Organization Aalto Science Institute (AScI)- Aalto University
Location Espoo, Finland
Website Aalto Science Institute
Overview The Aalto Science Institute (AScI) international summer research (internship) program offers bachelor's and master's students employment opportunities to participate first-hand in topical research, interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and network in an international environment. In support of AScI's role in internationalization, the internships are open to students from all countries. Cultural and social activities enrich this unique summer experience in Finland.
When Can You Go Duration: June - August (12 Weeks) 
Program Description
  • Program available in the following faculties:
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • School of Engineering
    • School of Science
  • Paid Position: The salary is determined based on experience and qualifications according to the salary system of Aalto University.
  • Program List
Housing Information
  • AYY housing
  • Aalto University Student Union (AYY) makes student housing available to AScI summer employees.
  • Important informaation:
    • Apartments and rooms are located in the Otaniemi campus area (and other locations in Espoo and Helsinki).
    • Rental contracts can usually only be made for a fixed term of 2 to 4 months between 1st April - 31st August and it cannot be terminated.
    • Rooms are not furnished. Used furniture can be purchased from other students or rented from a private service provider.


Organization Ontario/Rhône-Alpes (ORA) Summer Research Program
Location  France
Website https://www.yorku.ca/ouinternational/summer-research-program/
Overview The Ontario/Rhône-Alpes Student Exchange Program offers students the opportunity to spend 3 months in the summer at a university in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes engaged in research projects relevant to their studies in Ontario.
When Can You Go May 1st - July 31st.
Eligibility Undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines
Language Competence No French knowledge is required (depending on the host professor)
  • List of Labs
  • Students need to find their own placement, e.g. with the help of their nominating professor at their home university
Additional Information
  • Costs: Students pay for living expenses in France, flight, and other associated costs.
  • Scholarship:
    • ORA SRP scholarship: $1,500 - (***Canadian citizens and permanent residence only***) 
    • The stipend from the French lab is to be determined
  • While international students are NOT eligible for the ORA scholarship, they could be eligible for the stipend from the French labs.
  • ORA Presentation Slides


Organization Teaching Assistant Program
Location France
Website https://francecanadaculture.org/english-teaching-assistant/

This program is a joint initiative of the French Ministry of Education, France Education International (formerly known as CIEP), and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Canada. The program’s goal is to strengthen English-language instruction in French schools by establishing a native speaker presence, while also providing Canadian Francophiles with an excellent teaching experience abroad and first-hand knowledge of French language and culture.

When Can You Go
  • Duration: 7 months
  • Dates: Oct. 1st 2024 to April 30th 2025
Eligibility Requirements
  • Canadian citizenship or citizen of a country participating in the program and in possession of a Canadian permanent resident card
  • English as a first language
  • Aged between 20 and 35 years old at the beginning of the program (Oct.1st each year)
  • Intermediate proficiency in French (minimum B1 level)
  • Completion of at least 2 years of university studies on the application date
  • Mostly schooled in Canada (up to high school)
  • Proof of motivation and French proficiency level provided by a current or former university teacher
Job Duties
  • Assistants teach a minimum of 12 hours per week in up to 3 schools (close location to one another). Classes are conducted mostly in English. Teaching assistants conduct all of a class with a referent teacher or part of the class, independently.
  • Typical duties include serving as a resource person in conversation groups, providing small group/individual tutorials, introducing students to Canadian culture and history as well as facilitating cultural understanding between France and Canada. Assignments vary depending on the school’s needs and the assistant’s abilities.

Contracts are available at two different school levels:

• Elementary School: children aged 8-11 years old

• Secondary School: students aged 11-18 years old.

Additional Information



Organization HerStart Fellowship Program, Youth Challenge International
Location Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda
Website https://yci.org/herstart/
Overview HerStart is a YCI program providing 10,000 women in Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana with the training, tools, and funding opportunities to become social entrepreneurs.  As a key part of HerStart, Fellows have the opportunity to support YCI staff, as well as our innovative and impact-driven partner organizations in each country.
  • Gender Equality Fellow
  • Climate Action Fellow
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning Fellow
  • Social Entrepreneurship Fellow
  • Communications Fellow
  • Program & Partnerships Fellow
HerStart Fellows will gain hands-on professional international development experience, expand their impact-driven networks, and engage in high quality training from experts in critical topics such as gender equality, climate action and social innovation.      HerStart International Fellows receive a holistic benefits package including pre-departure training, post-placement support, round-trip airfare, visas, health insurance, a monthly living stipend and much more.  This program is funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs. Please view the full job description for more information.
When Can You Go
  • 3- and 6-month placements with start dates in January and May 2024.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident 
  • Fluent or professional level English skills (written and verbal) 
  • Demonstrated interest in the fields of international development, gender equality, climate action and/or social entrepreneurship 
  • Enrolled in or graduated from a post-secondary institution (or have equivalent work experience) 
  • Ability to commit to the full length of placement, including pre and post training 
  • Access to a personal computer for duration of placement
Language  English


Organization Ontario/Baden-Württemberg (OBW) Summer Research Program
Location  Germany
Website https://www.yorku.ca/ouinternational/obw-summer-research-program/
Overview The Ontario/Baden-Württemberg Summer Research Program is open to Ontario graduate and undergraduate students in science, engineering, and health science disciplines. Each successful applicant will spend two to three calendar months in the summer at a university in Baden-Württemberg engaged in research projects relevant to their studies in Ontario.
Timing 2 or 3 months during the summer
Eligibility Undergraduate and graduate students in science, engineering, and health science disciplines
Language Competence • No German-language prerequisite (with the agreement of the host professor)
Additional Information
  • Costs:  Students pay for living expenses in Germany, flight, and other associated costs.
  • Scholarship: (***Canadian citizens and permanent residence only***) 
    • $2,600 for a research placement of two months
    • $3,500 for three months
  • International students are encouraged to apply


Organization Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Location Bonn, Germany
Type of placement Remote and In-person
Website http://www.daad.de; https://www.daad.de/rise/en/
Position Description The intern will be actively involved in all aspects of the DAAD/RISE program lines (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) for North American, British and Irish students (RISE Germany and RISE Professional) as well as in the RISE Worldwide Program offering internships for German Bachelor students with research groups all over the world. Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Interest in international exchange
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with internship
Language English; basic German language preferred
Testimonial “I was able to be in a setting which was related to a future job I wanted to do, I was able to increase my knowledge of German, be in a setting that challenged me both professionally and personally. Personally, I feel as though I am much more confident in myself as a person and have grown so much those 3 months. I was able to talk to people from different departments and I really enjoyed learning about all of the ins and outs of working with interns and exchange students. I have made so many friends from my workplace and where I lived that I know I have another place to call home." - Dena M, summer 2018 intern


Organization Goethe Research Experience Program (GREP)
Location Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Type of placement In-person
Overview Goethe Research Experience Programme (GREP) offers fellowships for advanced undergraduate and master students of high academic standing to gain cutting-edge research experience in one of Goethe University’s multidisciplinary profile areas of research. Students can benefit from individual supervision by excellent researchers, build their own research network, and strengthen their academic and intercultural competencies through working and studying with professionals and students from all over the world.
  • Program Description
  • Optional intensive German language course at Goethe-Institute before or during the research visit (online / face-to-face)
  • English as a working language
  • Exclusive orientation program, social activities, and excursions in and around the city of Frankfurt
  • Individual mentoring and supervision by research professionals from GU
  • Personal advice on visa application, mandatory insurance, etc. by the Global Office
  • Spring Intake 2025:
    • Research visits: 4 to 6 months
  • Summer Intake 2025:
    • Research visits: 8 to 12 weeks
  • ***The exact dates and duration of the research visits can be arranged individually!***
Research Details
  • Research projects are available in the research profile areas at GU in the scientific fields of life, natural and social sciences, and humanities
  • Students are placed in an established research group and conduct their own research under close mentoring and supervision by research staff at GU
  • Students can pursue an individual research project, e.g. in preparation for their final thesis (2-3 months)
  • Students from natural and life sciences can complete a laboratory visit as part of a mandatory elective module in specific degree programs at GU (2-3 months)
  • Students can write their final thesis under dual supervision by the home institution and GU (3-6 months)
  • Students discuss their research results in a final paper and oral presentation at the end of their stay
  • Bachelor or Master level student status at the time of application
  • Good to very good academic standing (GPA of 3.0; on a 4.0 U.S. scale)
  • Strong research interest matching the selected research project
  • Proof of previous research experience and/or relevant extracurricular activities
Fellowship and Services
  • Accommodation in private student residence incl. full coverage of rent
  • Partial travel allowance (up to € 1.000)
  • Free intensive German language course 
  • Free access to public transport and museums
  • Tuition waiver for university enrolment including access to campus networks
  • Coverage of health insurance for students who do not have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
  • Personal advice on visa application, mandatory insurance etc.
Additional Resources:


Organization Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)
Location Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
Type of placement In-person
Program Details
  • Participation in ongoing research as part of the exchange
  • Full-time or part-time (approx. 10-20 hours per week) depending on the preferred project and the availability of research opportunities
  • Possible for one or two semesters
  • Students are encouraged to also attend courses
  • Courses may be taken in any department
When Can You Go
  • Summer Semester: Late April - Late July
  • Winter Semester: Mid-October - Early February
  • Must be in their 3rd or 4th year at the time of their stay at LMU Munich.
  • GPA of at least B+
  • Must fulfill the project-specific requirements.
  • Must provide a letter of motivation for each preferred research option.
  • Must provide a letter of reference from the home department confirming that the candidate meets the requirements for the preferred research option(s).
Programs Available
  • American Studies (AMST)
  • Business Administration (BUS)
  • Communication Science/Media Studies (COMM)
  • Economics (ECON)
  • English (ENG)
  • French (FREN)
  • History (HIST)
  • Philosophy (PHIL)
  • Politics (POL)

More in-depth program descriptions with program-specific requirements can be found here: PURE Project

Scholarship 650 Euro/Month


Organization The Canadian Institute in Greece
Location Athens, Greece
Type of placement In-person
Website http://www.cig-icg.gr
  • The Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) is a privately-funded, not-for-profit organization, incorporated in Canada, which seeks to promote Canadian research and education in fields relating to Greece’s heritage.
  • The Institute advances knowledge of Greece in all periods by sponsoring and promoting archaeological fieldwork, providing resources for scholarly research, and disseminating results. The Institute is also charged by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture with primary responsibility for all Canadian archaeological fieldwork projects, and seeks to support the investigation, preservation, and presentation of Greece’s cultural heritage.
  • The Institute promotes research in all aspects of ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek studies, including classics, history, art history, anthropology and the fine arts. This is achieved through:
    • an academic programme of seminars, lectures, and conferences;
    • the provision of services for its members, including applications for study and fieldwork permits;
    • advice on the development of research programmes; access to accommodation and library facilities in Athens;
    • the provision of fellowships for graduate and post-doctoral research in Greece, and internships for undergraduate and graduate students to experience academic life in Athens through the services of CIG.
  • The Institute also sponsors Canadian cultural activities in Greece.
When Can You Go
  • Internship Start Date: May 01, 2024
  • Internship End Date: Jul 31, 2024
  • Some knowledge of or interest in Hellenic Studies in its broadest sense (e.g. Classics, Archaeology, Ancient History, Art History, Philosophy, Philology, Modern Greece).
  • Fluency in both official languages would be a bonus, as would knowledge of Greek.
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • Round-trip flight to Athens, travel insurance, accommodation, food and drink.
  • Housing: Accommodation is provided, free of charge, for the duration of the internship, in the Institute’s own guest apartment.
Language Fluency in both official languages would be a bonus.
Testimonial “There is so much I could say about my internship, but this could go on for a while. So, in a nutshell, this was probably one of the most amazing, eye-opening, enlightening, and life changing experience I have ever had. I have learned more in the time span of these past three months, even just about myself, than I could ever have learned in the span of a year." - Monica S, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.

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Organization Summer Undergraduate Research Program at Chinese University of Hong Kong
Location Hong Kong
Type of placement In- Person
Website https://www.summer.cuhk.edu.hk/surp/
Position Description The Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students from overseas universities to undertake research attachments for eight weeks at CUHK during the summer. Students will be actively engaged in research under the supervision of a CUHK faculty member and earn three credits upon successful completion of the programme.
  • Develop research skills and knowledge in a specific area of interest
  • Join a world-class research team and work alongside leading experts in the field
  • Experience postgraduate studies first hand
  • Establish professional networks for future career
  • Immerse in the local culture through activities and excursions
  • Discover new ideas through interaction with like-minded students
  • Guaranteed on-campus living with other local and international students
  • 70+ research projects are offered in various academic disciplines.
Eligibility Requirements Full-time senior undergraduate students currently registered at an overseas and non-Chinese university with good academic standing are eligible.
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with the internship
  • SURP will take place from 22 June – 17 August 2024 for eight weeks. Students are expected to devote at least 20 hours per week to the research project. Supervisors will discuss the actual time commitment with their students upon admission.
  • Students will be registered in a 3-credit CUHK course titled ‘Independent Research on International Studies’ to conduct a research projectA transcript will be issued to their home institution upon successful completion. The final decision on credit transfer will be determined by the home institution.
Language Research work and reports will be conducted in English. However, different projects may have different language requirements as set out by the supervisors.


Organization HKU Summer Institute Cultural Summer Exchange (HKUSI CSE) Fellowship 2023
Location Hong Kong
Type of placement In- Person
Website https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIcOAZS3cm7nAG2
Position Description Students of the world’s leading universities are invited to join this very meaningful programme and become a CSE Fellow to teach in Hong Kong during their summer holiday in 2023. This summer teaching programme (HKUSI CSE) provides a perfect platform for the selected Fellows to teach the Primary 6 to Secondary 2 school students. As a Fellow, you will deliver self-designed lessons, which is a cross-cultural programme that encourages intellectual and cultural exchange amongst all participants using English as the medium of communication. The students will benefit from joining this programme in developing their global identity, values and worldviews.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Quota: 14
  • Currently enrolled students (or recent graduates) in the undergraduate or graduate programmes;
  • Fluent, preferably native-English speaker;
  • Open-minded and flexible team player, eager to learn about other cultures and share experiences;
  • Eager to teach and mentor enthusiastic student
  • Have a good academic standing and demonstrate a rich extra-curricular history;
  • Hold a valid passport six months after the end of programme period; and
  • Must be fully available between July 17 to August 4, 2023.
Language English


Organization The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Department of Applied Mathematics & Department of Biomedical Engineering
Location Hong Kong
Type of placement In- Person
Website Please click here!
Position Description The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is committed to offering high quality education with a strong focus on application-based nature. To support students in developing professional competence, the ability of independent thinking, effective communication skills and a global outlook, all PolyU's undergraduate programmes include a mandatory Work-integrated Education (WIE) component. Students are expected to take internship related to their academic studies and acquire work-based training.
Offered Programs 
Host Department of PolyU

Related Disciplines 


Department of Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics; Statistics

2 July – 26 August 2024 (8 weeks)

Department of Applied Mathematics

Computer and Information Sciences; Mathematical Statistics and Probability

2 July – 26 August 2024 (8 weeks)


Department of Biomedical Engineering

Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

2 July – 26 August 2024 (8 weeks)

Eligibility Requirements
  • The nominated students should be a Year 3 (penultimate year) undergraduate.

  • The cumulative GPA is preferably 3.0 or above out of 4.3.

Language English



Organization CanSupport
Location New Delhi, India
Type of placement In-person
Website http://www.cansupport.org/
  • Home Based Palliative Care Services: Pioneering Home Based Palliative Care in Northern India with 6 patients in 1997, CanSupport is now the largest stand-alone Home Based Palliative Care organization in the country, providing care to 6000 patients and their family caregivers annually through 30 multidisciplinary teams of highly trained & committed professionals. Home Care is directed at patients with advanced cancer and their families. Multi-disciplinary teams of qualified doctors, nurses and counselors routinely visit patients registered with them at their homes, offering:
    • Factual information to facilitate informed choices & decisions about goals of care
    • Medications for pain and symptom management aimed at maximizing comfort and improving quality of life
    • Comprehensive nursing care ▪ Guidance & support to achieve control and dignity in activities of daily living
    • Hands-on skills for family caregivers to take care of their patients effectively at home
    • Psychological, emotional and spiritual support & guidance to patients and families bereavement care and counseling
    • Community mobilization for socio-economic rehabilitation
  • Home Care:
    • 21,000 patients plus their family caregivers served annually.
    • 82% patients with physical pain score less than 3 on 10.
    • 93% patients with well managed wounds and other nursing requirements.
    • 90% patients with psychosocial pain score less than 3 on 10.
    • 85% deaths at home (place of choice of death).
    • 93% deaths reported as good deaths.
    • 99% caregivers reported improved coping skills.
    • 94% satisfaction with care reported through validated questionnaire.
    • About 9700 destitute families received economic rehabilitation support.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Excellent English writing skills.
  • Experience in research and policy development.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to write stories and case studies.
  • Adapt in MS office.
  • Good at writing blogs.
  • Experience of drafting high value documents, potential to draft concept notes, review of reports sent to donors and similar work assigned.
When Can You Go
Internship Start Date: Internship End Date:
Sep 01, 2024 Oct 31, 2024
Jan 01, 2024 Feb 01, 2024
May 01, 2024 Jun 30, 2024
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • Housing costs per month - Rs. 1500-Rs 2000
    • Food charges per month - Rs. 700 per day x 30 days = Rs. 21000
    • Travel costs per month - Rs. 200 per day x 30 days =Rs. 6000
    • Miscellaneous costs- Rs. 5000
  • Interns should read about CanSupport and palliative care thoroughly before joining us.
Language English, knowledge of Hindi an asset.


Organization The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Summer Science Internship Program 2023
Location Jerusalem, Israel
Type of placement In-Person
Dates June 14-August 14, 2023
Website https://overseas.huji.ac.il/academics/summer-and-short-term-programs/summer-courses/summer-internship/
Position Description During the program, you will spend between three and eight weeks working in a research laboratory in the hard sciences, engineering department, or medical school.


You will spend 40 hours per week in a lab. The typical internship is four weeks long, but can be extended with the agreement of your supervisor.

Course Components

  • 40 hours of lab work per week
  • Final research paper and/or lab report
Research opportunities available in the following areas of study:
  • Molecular Biology
  • Neurogenetics and Systems Biology
  • Computational Genetics
  • Genomics
  • Bioengineering
  • Geography-spatial analysis
  • Ecology
  • Climate Dynamics
  • Psychology
  • Medicine
  • Physics
  • Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Joint and skeletal growth diseases
Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Completed at least 28 credits with a 3.5 (B+) cumulative GPA or its equivalent; proficiency in English (B2 level or higher); graduate students also eligible
Additional Information
  • Tuition: US$ 1,000
Language Fluent English


Organization Weizmann Institute program
Location Rehovot, Israel
Type of placement In-Person

The program, held within the Davidson Institute of Science Education at the Weizmann Institute of Science, is designed to immerse participants in a rich academic environment, providing access to state-of-the-art facilities, renowned researchers, and a diverse network of peers from around the world.


Key features of the program:

  • The first three weeks of the program are devoted to the laboratory. During that period, they will experience supplemental lectures delivered by senior institute scientists, departmental seminars, and visits to some of the state-of-the-art facilities on campus.
  • The participants spend the last week of the program in the Judean desert and the Negev with expert guides from The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). During the desert excursion, participants study survival in the desert, as well as the wildlife, ecology, archeology, and history of the surrounding area.
  • Each scholarship is valued at $6000 and covers the cost of flights, transportation, accommodations, meals, and excursions during the time on campus. 
  • We have 7 Canadian scholarships currently available for the 2024 session.


Organization The Gori Collection of Site-Specific Art
Location Santomato di Pistoia, Italy
Website http://www.goricoll.it
  • The Gori Collection located at the Fattoria di Celle i Santomato di Pistoia is the world's first private collection devoted to site specific art.
  • Begun in the early '80s the property now counts about 80 installations of which some 50 are situated either in the English-style romantic garden or among the vineyards and olive groves of the farm.
  • Interns must learn about all the works in order to guide the tours we offer free of charge to visitors on a daily basis.
  • Most tours are in Italian, the official language of the internship, although we occasionally have English-speaking guests.
  • A candidate for the internship must have a decent working knowledge of Italian, enjoy long walks and being with people.
  • When not guiding tours, interns are welcome in the office to help our staff organize events and communication.
When Can You Go
Internship Start Date Internship End Date
Apr 29, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
Aug 27, 2024 Oct 31, 2024
Eligibility Requirements
  • Preferred: studies of art history or the visual arts (contemporary preferred), a decent knowledge of Italian language and a desire to better speaking and understanding skills, basic computer literacy.
  • For students with special interests or projects we are happy to adapt their internship in that direction.
  • Past interns from York have made films, added to their photography portfolios, used our recommendation to apply to grad school, even published a graphic novel.
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • No housing cost.
    • Interested interns can earn extra money from sales of catalogues, wine and oil at our bookshop - it's not obligatory.
  • Housing provided.
Language Fluent English; Intermediate Italian

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Organization International Relation Section of Osaka University of Economics
Location Osaka City, Japan
Type of placement In-Person
Website https://www.osaka-ue.ac.jp/english/
Position Description The intern will: (1) teach English or assist OUE’s English teachers in the instruction and delivery of English language education in a classroom setting, (2) participate in supplemental English activities, and (3) do some basic office work for the International Relations Section. Specific tasks will include:
  • Teaching English or teaching assistance in the English classes.
  • Participation in our English education activities, such as English Coffee sessions.
  • Includes doing and checking translations, assisting with staff queries, administrative activities, and doing other general office duties as directed and agreed.
Complete all tasks assigned, which includes but is not limited to the responsibilities outlined above. Please view the full job description for more information.
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with internship
Language Fluent English

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Wikondiek Primary and Secondary School


Wikondiek, Kenya

Type of placement In-person = 2 Places Available
 When Can You Go
Internship Start Date Internship End Date
May 01, 2024 Jul 31, 2024
Jan 09, 2024 Apr 05, 2024
Position Description Develop and implement procedures for managing the class effectively during instruction, incorporating various groupings and presentation techniques. Determine the students' developmental levels and provide commensurate instruction. Participate in the evaluation and documentation of student progress and attendance. Specific tasks will include:
  • Assisting teachers in Forms 1 - 4 (equivalent to grade 9 -12) or standard 4-8 (equivalent to grade 4 - 8) schemed subject area of specialty.
  • Helping design a project proposal for a computer training and resource centre as an income generating activity for the school.
  • Training the schoolchildren on a game of interest outdoor or indoor • Assisting with the provision of additional coaching/mentoring to students as required.
  • Designing creative and supportive extra/ co-curricular initiatives.
  • English; some Swahili is helpful.

Wikondiek Primary School was started in 1906 as a community project to assist the less fortunate people. It has about 310 students, 87 out of them are orphans. The pre-primary has 42 children. Wikondiek Secondary School was started in 2002. It has about 153 students, 78 out of them are orphaned. The whole school has 15 teachers.

Students go to school for 3 months, then take a 1 month break - i.e. school is from January to March and May to July and vacation is in April and August.



Aga Khan University’s Global Mobility Programme and Summer Onsite Internship



Type of placement In-person
Website https://www.aku.edu/careers/iip/Pages/home.aspx
Position Description The Aga Khan University’s Global Mobility Programme team is passionate about providing your students with individual attention, career development, and the resources that they will need to succeed in their respective internships. By participating in the Onsite Programme, your students will benefit from:
  • Well-designed, hands-on internship projects in the students’ chosen internship stream that allow them to:
  • Assist and lead in implementing impact-driven, research-oriented projects with community-based approaches
  • Connect, engage, and work with the culturally diversified community and collaborative teams
  • Test the student’s education in a real-life environment and deal with challenges and issues, develop creative solutions, and implement new ideas
Please view the program flyer for more information.


Additional Information
  • Duration: 4- 12 months
  • Application deadline: 3rd February 2023
  • Commencement Cycle 1: 15th May 2023
  • Commencement Cycle 2: 5th June 2023
  • Programme Cost
    • Programme Fee - $1200
    • Application fee - $30

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Organization La Salle University, Center for International Education
Location Mexico City, Mexico
Type of placement In-person
Website http://ciel.ulsa.edu.mx/
Position Description Placements are available at any of these 5 organizations as per student interest, eligibility and appropriate match with the organization.
  • El Caracol is a private, not for profit organization assists run away children, youth and disadvantaged adults.
  • Christel House of México A.C. is a private elementary and middle school founded in 2004 to help underprivileged children and their families in poor, underprivileged districts of Mexico City.
  • Casa Refugiado is a Civil Association that provides humanitarian assistance to persons seeking refugee status, refugees, and stateless persons.
  • CAFEMIN is is a non-governmental organization that provides temporary shelter, assistance and job training to migrant women, families and seekers of asylum or refuge, coming from the different countries of Central America, South America and other continents.
Please view the full job description for more information.
Language Fluent Spanish
Testimonial “Participating in a Global Internship is an amazing opportunity which will definitely make your university experience better, and where you can grow both professionally and personally. It is an experience that will help you mature and allow you to explore a new culture." - Brian V, summer 2019 intern (Christel House) Read more on Facebook or Instagram.
Testimonial “The organization which I was placed with truly provided me some amazing experiences. On a personal level, I was able to connect with many refugees who are currently going through similar experiences that my family went through when they fled Guatemala many years ago, which allowed me to understand better the experiences of current Central American refugees. Professionally speaking, I was able to discover what my likes and dislikes are in the field of humanitarian assistance, allowing me to realize I would like to continue working with Central American refugees and immigrants." - Stephanie MV, summer 2018 intern (Casa Refugiado)


Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location Universidad de las Américas Puebla
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami


Click here for full highlights and more information

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Organization EcoSwell
Location Peru
Website https://www.ecoswell.org/
  • EcoSwell is a multiple award winning for impact non-profit focussed on implementing sustainability projects in vulnerable communities of Peru. Previous York University students who have taken part in their volunteer internship programme have described their time at EcoSwell as transformational and life altering.
  • Located in the surf paradise of Lobitos, in northern Peru (the land of endless summer), volunteer interns are able to apply to a variety of disciplines, including: Renewable Energy, Reforestation & Nature Conservation, NGO Management, Public Health, Research and Water & Sanitation. Participants make a financial contribution to take part in the EcoSwell volunteer internship.
  • This contribution covers their accommodation, all meals, team supervision and support, local transport. This financial contribution also helps cover project costs, thus financing the impact the organization has on the communities it serves.
  • Placement: Both remote and in- person
  • Unpaid Position
  • Students can apply to join us for a minimum of two weeks up to six months and can apply to:
    1. Renewable Energy
    2. Reforestation and Nature conservation
    3. NGO Management
    4. Public Health
    5. Research
    6. Marketing and social media
    7. Water and Sanitation
  • Available all year round.
  • We take on volunteer interns from all disciplines.
  • The most important characteristic that they must possess is a willingness to learn and a passion for the field that they are applying for.
  • Lack of experience is not a limiting factor.
Additional Information
  • Housing Provided: Rooms are shared with other volunteer interns at the EcoHouse which is located at 200m from the sea. The EcoHouse is very much characterised as a work hard and play hard base, with a very positive vibe. All meals are provided, and fun activites are organised for after work hours
  • Cost Associated:


Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami



Location Romania
Type of placement Remote and In-person
URL https://www.tdh.ch/en/our-interventions/romania
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with internship
Eligibility Requirements Passionate about the field of criminal justice, juvenile justice in particular interest in project management, research, and design thinking, excellent command of English

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Organization The Nature's Valley Trust - Environmental Education
Location Nature's Valley, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Type of placement In-person
Website http://www.naturesvalleytrust.co.za
Position Description The Nature’s Valley Trust runs an award winning Environmental Education program, which has focused programs from pre-school to adult learner levels. We run eco-clubs and birding clubs in several schools, and use 20 custom designed outdoor classrooms to take learning outdoors. Our lessons are curriculum integrated and ensure children in our region get exposed to conservation work that impacts their local communities. We also host schools for environment days like World Oceans Day, Arbor Week, Water Week, etc. and occasionally have schools camping with us for 3-5 day programs. Our weekly schedule for our EE program varies. The intern is expected to be out with the program at least 2-3 days a week, with the office time used for preparing programs, updating resources and helping with our social media pages. Please view the full job description for more information.
Additional Information
  • The internship program costs ZAR 15 000 per month (£ 733,86/ $ 831,14/ € 842,39), with a minimum of a two-month stay.
Language English
Testimonial “Highlights: nature, animals, great friendships made, familial atmosphere, great sense of humour, getting to participate in such a wide variety of activities/ projects Personal highlights: let go of a lot of limitations, more confidence and trust in myself, no longer procrastinate, overthink, or hesitate as much as I used to before. Such a golden opportunity to grow, live life, laugh, to discover who you really are. The people at NVT are very special, and they will treat you like family. Too much to write down here. But to me, this internship was a gift from the universe. A big marker in my life story." - Leandro E, summer 2018 intern


Organization The Nature's Valley Trust - Marine Debris
Location Nature's Valley, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Type of placement In-person
Website http://www.naturesvalleytrust.co.za
Position Description Litter on our beaches is a global concern for conservationists. To effectively manage the problem on the ground, we need to understand not only the various sources of the litter on our beaches, but also the user groups that are contributing disproportionately more waste than others. Once this has been accomplished, a well-designed conservation intervention campaign can be implemented to try to reduce the amount of local litter being left on our beaches. This internship involves lots of hours walking on one of the most amazing set of beaches in the world! Three times a week, from 7am-11am and from 2pm to 6pm, the intern will walk on the beach, documenting all litter encountered and all people using the beach. Using this and other existing data, the intern will help develop a campaign targeting beach users, to educate them and attempt to ensure better litter management on the beach. Please view the full job description for more information.
Additional Information
  • The internship program costs ZAR 15 000 per month (£ 733,86/ $ 831,14/ € 842,39), with a minimum of a two-month stay.
Language English
Testimonial “The Nature’s Valley Trust has been a place of growth, peace, and true beauty surrounded by people sharing the same genuine respect for nature. My experience with NVT has been a gift to me which I will hold closely to my heart." - Elizabeth C, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.
Testimonial “5/5 if it were a yelp review. It made me more aware of my surroundings in a professional and personal manner. On the professional side, we did a lot of monthly surveys that exposed me to a lot of new learning about the importance of the flora and fauna around us. On the personal level, I was able to learn a lot about myself by not living at home for the first time. It made me more aware of my abilities as I had to take initiative to do a lot of things on my own." - Christina H, summer 2018 intern


Organization Nkosi's Haven
Location Johannesburg, South Africa
Type of placement In-person
URL http://www.nkosishaven.org/
Position Description The Marketing Officer will ensure the growth objectives of Nkosi’s Haven village, haven and farm are met through the development and execution of an effective marketing strategy for specific projects undertaken, as well as the village on the whole to prospective funders, and the surrounding community. Please view the full job description for more information.
Language English

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Location Valencia, Spain
Website https://euroace.net/
  • EUROACE (The European Association of Cultural Exchange) set out to enhance study abroad education in Spain throughunique and enriching international programs more than 15 years ago!
  • Founded and based in Valencia, Spain, we provide academic, professional, and cultural exchange programs for internationalstudents.
  • We are 100% committed to providing the best study abroad opportunities in Spain and in doing so, we hope to share the the beautiful Spanish language and culture with the rest of the world.
When Can You Go
Internship Start Date Internship End Date
Sep 01, 2023 Dec 01, 2023
Jan 01, 2024 Apr 01, 2024
May 01, 2024 Aug 01, 2024
  • The program doesn't have any specific requirements, apart from having studies in the sector of interest.
  • If the students don't know Spanish, they can join the internship in English.
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • The cost of the program is 700€, which includes the internship placement fee.
    • If the students require pick-up service, the cost is 60€.
  • Housing Provided.

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Organization True Spanish Experience (TSE)
Location Cuenca, Spain
Website https://www.truespanishexperience.com/en
  • TSE programs have the support of institutions and renowned educational centers in Spain, which guarantee the academic quality and favor the integration of our international students in the Spanish culture and education True Spanish Experience (TSE) is an initiative that, in collaboration with renowned colleges and public and private institutions offers personalized educational solutions in Spain to all-level international students.
  • We work with over 100 Universities, High Schools and Education Departments in over 30 countries of the world, helping them to complement the educational and personal development of their students in Spain.
  • Every year, more than 800 students complete their education and develop personal and professional skills through our experiential learning programs.
When Can You Go
  • Internship Start Date: Sep 03, 2023
  • Internship End Date: Jul 31, 2024
  • Any area or field
  • All levels of Spanish- preferrably intermediate,
  • But also available for beginners English as native from 2 months (minimum 8 weeks)
Additional Information
  • Cost Associated:
    • Cost of the Spanish language lessons+ accommodation.
  • Housing:
    • Shared apartment.
    • Shared apartments with Spanish and other international students.
    • These households will be provided with all the utilities needed for the student.
    • The “shared apartment” modality only includes accommodation.
    • Homestay also available.
Language English; intermediate Spanish; some French preferred.

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Organization International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) - ACE Secretariat
Location Stockholm, Sweden
Type of placement In-Person or Remote
Website http://www.idea.int; http://www.aceproject.org
Position Description The intern will support the ACE team in their development and maintenance of the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network. Please view the full job description for more information.
Eligibility Requirements Pursuing a BA/BSc but preferably MA/MSc in electoral administration , international studies, international relations, political science (or equivalent). Proficient in English and preferably French
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with internship
Language Fluent written and oral English and French required. Arabic language skills would be an asset.
Testimonial “Some of the highlights of my internship was having the opportunity to present some of the work I did while interning to those available at the organization’s headquarters prior to my departure, and having produced a "feature story" for their website. It is an amazing opportunity that I am extremely grateful to have had." - Andrea G, summer 2019 intern Read more on Facebook or Instagram.

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Aga Khan University’s Global Mobility Programme and Summer Onsite Internship

Click here for full highlights and more information

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Humanitarian Affairs Asia, University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS)


United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

Type of placement



University Scholars Leadership Symposium website


August 6 - 9, 2024

Position Description

USLS nurtures emerging world leaders by giving them the confidence to lead sustainable development projects in their communities. It is where ideas grow, collaborations take place and diverse voices unite for a better world.

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Organization Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGIDER)

Istanbul, Turkey

Type of placement Remote 
Website https://kagider.org/en
Position Description

KAGIDER runs three main programs:

  1. Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Program where we conduct several projects, provide incubation and mentorship support and organize training programs for the (potential) women entrepreneurs and seek to strengthen women entrepreneurship and increase the number of women entrepreneurs in Turkey, as well as creating a consciousness among the young girls and promoting them to have a better education and step into the business life. KAGIDER continues its activities and women’s development-oriented trainings in its new Woman Development Center –Biz. (We).
  2. Advocacy Program where we aim to raise public awareness and support women to be more effective in social and political life and we aim to achieve gender equality in all aspects of life. Those advocacy activities cover women empowerment and contributing to Turkey’s EU accession. In this context, KAGIDER organizes national and international panels, conducts research, holds campaigns, publishes press releases and makes cooperation with national and worldwide NGO’ s in order to achieve its goals and be more effective in both national and international arena.
  3. International Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Summit where KAGIDER calls on women entrepreneurs and leaders to explore, engage and encourage each other to take a more prominent role in the global business community. Distinguished speakers and participants all over the world contribute to this enriching and mind broadening journey. Our second summit last year hosted around 400 participants from all over the world.
The intern will work with one of the Program directors according to interest and assist her work during the internship period. Please view the full job description for more information.
Additional Information
  • No Cost associated with internship
Language English

KAGIDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) was chartered in September 2002 by 37 successful women entrepreneurs. Today, KAGIDER has 270 members, all active in various sectors such as textiles, communication, public relations, tourism, mining, chemistry and health. KAGIDER, with its ongoing projects has reached more than 6000 women in 20 cities throughout Turkey and focuses on projects to develop entrepreneurship among women as well as their economic, social and political development.

Vision: Creating a world in which women produce and establish their existence freely and play an effective role in decision-making processes.

Mission: Developing entrepreneurship among women to strengthen their status economically and socially.

Currently 6 professional staff work full-time at the Association. There are 5 committees with 6-9 members each.


Organization Koc University Summer Research Program (KUSRP)
Location Koc University, Istanbul
Type of Placement In-Person
Website https://vprd.ku.edu.tr/en/kusrp/
Dates July 3rd – August 20th, 2023
Position Description Summer Exchange Program at KU offers a broad range of courses in English, both on undergraduate and graduate level taught by an international team of experienced lecturers. Can also participate in a research/internship program in one of our research centres or laboratories. https://research.ku.edu.tr/centers-labs-and-projects/research-centers-and-laboratories/ Please view the fact sheet for more information.

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Aga Khan University’s Global Mobility Programme and Summer Onsite Internship

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Aga Khan University’s Global Mobility Programme and Summer Onsite Internship

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Organization Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
Location University of Miami 
Type of placement Virtual
Website  https://www.thehuc.org/virtual-research-internships-2023-2/

The purpose of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) is to foster collaboration among higher education institutions in an effort to enhance the quality and reach of their education and their research in order to develop innovative and impactful solutions for the social challenges facing the region and the world. 

2024 Information Coming Soon!

Language English
Testimonial  “First, student Mark Codling was a terrific intern for the coastal resilience startup project. His work in emergency management in the Cayman Islands was a great environment to work on solutions related to social intelligence. With a focus on roads, it was a perfect new opportunity to apply these principles to Cayman’s coastal communities. We expect this work to positively impact the warning and decision-making systems they use to inform citizens of road hazards and impediments. Mark has already submitted papers for publication, and others are in the works that will incorporate what we have worked on over the past few months.” Researcher Austin Perry, University of Miami

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Location Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam
Website https://abroader.org/
Additional Information
  • Tentative dates: 21 days, starting on Thursday.
  • Accommodation: 3-star Hotel, guest house, homestay, trekking tent.
Program Fee
  • The program fee for the group of 10+ students: is 2852 USD/student.
  • The program fee for the group of 15+ students: is 2445 USD/student.
  • The program fee for a group of 20+ students: is 2241 USD/student.
  • Additional fee for single room request per student: 450USD.
  • The program fee for 01 faculty joining the students: is 2911 USD/faculty.
  • The additional night before/after the program, single request: 70 USD/night.
Fee Covers:
  • Accommodation: 3-star hotel, single room for the faculties, twin room for the students. Breakfast and Wi-Fi are included.
  • Program activities as described in the itinerary Honorarium to the guest speakers.
  • Airport transfer and other transportation during the program.
  • Visa application guidance. Orientation, pre-departure orientation
  • Welcome, Farewell dinners, and other meals as listed in the itinerary. Local students engagement SEAfund(StudentExchangeAssociation).
  • Onsite program coordinator with 24/7support.
  • Tips for excursion days.




Location China; England; France; Japan; Portugal; Singapore; Spain; Sweden
Website https://absoluteinternship.com/programs/remote-internships/
  • Absolute Internship matches talented university students and graduates with international work experience placements in elite cities around the world.
  • With over 60 university partnerships and more than 800 host companies across the globe, we help ambitious individuals stand out in an increasingly crowded job market. Our programs offer unbeatable work experience, incredible adventure, and a summer to remember!
  • Available industries:
    • Accounting
    • Advertising
    • Business Development
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Fashion
    • Finance
    • Graphic Design
    • Green Technology
    • IT
    • Hospitality & Tourism
    • Human Resources
    • Legal
    • Marketing
    • Non-profit, Pharmaceutical
    • Public Relations 
    • Real Estate.
  • 4 Weeks - 16 Weeks.
How To Apply
  • Application Link
  • Deadline: Rolling – we recommend at least 6-8 weeks before the intended start date.
Additional Information

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Australia China Costa Rica Hong Kong Indonesia
Italy Japan Malaysia New Zealand Peru
Singapore Spain South Africa Taiwan Vietnam
Website https://www.internsinasia.com/
  • Asia Internship Program is a pioneering social enterprise that takes high-potential candidates and transforms their knowledge, skills, and employability via our enriching international internship programs.
  • At AIP, we deeply understand the value of global professional experience in today's competitive job market. As the premier internship placement provider in Asia and one of the fastest-evolving entities in the international education industry, we are your passport to the future.
  • Many Industries available
How to Apply
Duration 1- 6 Months
Additional Information


Austria Belgium Canada China France Germany
Ghana Hong Kong Italy  India Japan Luxembourg
Mexico Portugal Singapore South Korea Spain Switzerland
Taiwan United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA Vietnam  
Website https://euroace.net/
  • Our mission is to create exceptional graduate outcomes through internships and global experiences.
  • We do this by partnering with universities and companies around the world to deliver high-quality programs as part of university courses, summer placements, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Our in-person, online, and blended programs enhance student experiences, broaden curriculums, widen participation, achieve key student outcomes, and support universities in achieving their wider strategic goals.
Program Fees $ 2000 CAD

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