Instructor: Professor Ian Garrett, | Prerequisites? None |
Course Dates: June – July 2023 (Exact Dates pending York confirmation) w/ planning work starting in the Winter. | Open to Non-Majors? With Permission of Course Director |
Exam dates: Early August, 2023 (TBC) | Abroad program dates: July 30 – August 28, 2023 (TBC) |
Registration link: |
Check out the participant experience of 2014
Course Overview
Edinburgh Production Practicum is a study-abroad course that offers upper-year Theatre majors the chance to participate in this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is an internationally recognized festival that celebrates Scottish and European culture and the performing arts in an epic 3-week adventure.
As a practicum course, students will be writing, directing, and creating their own production with York's own Fringe Theatre Company called YUFFA. In this unique opportunity, students will be able to also get to know the culture of Edinburgh, the international theatre community, see other Fringe Fest shows, and be able to network and work with others in the industry.
Program Highlights:
- Join York's Fringe Theatre Company YUFFA and participate in this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival
- Write, direct, and create your own production to be performed at the Fringe
- Get a change to watch many of the other Fringe Shows
- Write, direct, and create your own production to be performed at the Fringe
- Work with playwrights and performers at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
- Get to know the culture and taste of Edinburgh, Scotland through organized tours and excursions.
- For more info, check out the THEA 3000 - SU outline 2023
Hear from former participants

Michelle Paunov in Jennaration Y
“Edinburgh is beyond expectations. It is such a beautiful city with beautiful people, and during the festival season there is such a warm and wonderful community”
–Michelle Paunov, participated Summer 2017
Watch the teaser from the 2018 Fringe Production "You've Got to be Kidney Me"
You've Got To Be Kidney Me (Teaser)
We all loved playing operation as a kid. Some more than others. Join us post-op at Venue 13 August 4th-18th at #EdFringe. Do you know the Kidney Man?
Posted by Yuffa Fringe on Friday, August 3, 2018
Read about YUFFA at Edinburgh Fringe 2017
Read about YUFFA at Edinburgh Fringe 2016
Program fee: $3500 CAD*
- Includes:
- Accommodation
- Excursions/Field activities
- Welcome Reception
- Accommodation
- Not Included
- Airfare to and from Edinburgh, Scotland
- Tuition fee (payable to York University)
- Any personal expenses
- me® Health Insurance
- Travel insurance
*Subject to change, program fees will depend on the final number of participants and length of program.
Financial support
All participants of this course will receive the York International Mobility Award (YIMA) upon completion of the Pre-Departure Training and Travel Risk Requirements.
Reserve your spot !
Proposal and Expression of Interest Deadline: Friday March 3, 2023
You may submit a production and a group of students under a PROJECT proposal, or you may submit yourself as an INDIVIDUAL participant unattached to any project proposal.
All students in the School of Arts, Media, Performance, and Design in good academic standing may submit a proposal to be considered for the Fine Arts Edinburgh Festival Fringe Program (THEA 3000 3.0 – Production Practicum Summer).
The program is open to all students in the School of Arts, Media, Performance, and Design and others with permission. The course director and the Executive Committee of the Department of Theatre will review all proposals and notify all applicants of their decision when they return for the Winter (W) term in January.
Proposals will be considered based primarily on feasibility and their ability to be produced within the Edinburgh Festival Fringe program and may consist of everything from text based dramas to interactive installations. Pre-existing projects that have seen full or workshop performances are encouraged, as are projects that have more production elements decided (script, cast, personnel, etc.) than not. While projects in the idea phase will be considered, preference is given to shows which are more “tour ready” or have a clear and specific development plan in preparation for touring to Edinburgh in August 2020.
All students in good standing may apply to be considered for individual participation in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Program. As an individual, you do not have to be connected with a production in order to apply. If you are named in a PROJECT proposal, you do not need to submit individually unless you desire to participate regardless of that particular project’s acceptance in the program.
All individual participation proposals should be submitted as a hard copy with all pertinent information:
- Name
- Contact Information
- Department
- Program
- Year Level
- Brief statement of intent regarding why you want to participate
Proposals should be addressed to Ian Garrett. They may be submitted electronically by emailing or delivered as a hardcopy to CFT 328.
A proposal should include all pertinent information as listed below:
- You will be considered the key contact person on the project.
- Title of Piece
- Director: (Name and Contact Information)
- Writer: (Name and Contact Information)
- Description: (forty words or less)
- Running time: (60min maximum)
- Cast/Crew Needs as known: (Number of Actors, Designers, Technicians, Crew, etc.)
- Physical needs as known: (Sets, Costumes, Lights, Sound, Props, etc.)
- Committed Participants: (Anyone currently considering participating in your project)
- Calendar: (Anticipated rehearsal schedule and performances prior to the festival period)
- Synopsis: (The basic premise of the play, this may or may not include a script, archival video and any other supporting material you wish considered)
Proposals should be addressed to Ian Garrett. They may be submitted electronically by emailing or delivered as a hardcopy to CFT 328.
Deposits and Deadlines
To secure a spot in this course, you'll need to submit a non-refundable deposit of $500 to York International (Please contact Renee Marks to schedule a payment).
- Deposit ($500): March 3rd, 2023
- Outstanding program fee: April 14th, 2023
PLEASE NOTE: We only accept Visa, Mastercard, and debit. No cash or cheques.
- Proposal deadline: Friday, December 2, 2022
- Accepted Project proposals: Friday, January 16, 2023
- Non-refundable deposit ($500): Friday, February 10, 2023
- Outstanding deposit: Monday, May 5, 2023
** All Dates and Expenses Subject to Change **
Pre-Departure Training and Risk Management Information Session
Attending a Pre-Departure Session is mandatory for all YorkU students participating in the FA/THEA 3000 Edinburgh Production Practicum. York International provides pre-departure training to York students who are scheduled to participate in global learning programs (exchange, internships and other short-term programs). Content covered at Pre-Departure Sessions include:
- Travel preparations (research about destination, flight, accommodation arrangements)
- Risk Management (waiver, emergency contact card, Registration of Canadians abroad)
-® Insurance
- Funding and Finances
- Inter-cultural awareness
York Students traveling abroad for international programs are required to purchase® insurance.To ensure safety and well-being of York students traveling abroad, York University has developed a partnership with® Insurance. It provides comprehensive insurance coverage and benefits that are in the best interest of the students and the university at-large.® covers medical, emergency, evacuation, and 3rd party liability, among others. Please read the® benefit summary for more information. Students must register directly with®.
More information on registration will be outlined in the link below.
Please continue to check in for more information about Summer 2020.
For further information, please contact:
Shirley Lam
International Programs Coordinator