IVRT updates

Who is an International Visiting Research Trainee (IVRT)

International Visiting Research Trainees (IVRTs) are:
  1.  Registered full-time students in a degree program at an institution outside of Canada.
  2.  Visiting York for a limited time period, usually between one and twelve months.
  3. Spend this period of time performing research under the supervision of a York University faculty member for the purpose of fulfilling degree requirements in their home institution.
  4. Not registered or registering in courses or enrolled in a program for credit at York University nor
    pursuing a joint or dual degree in which one of the partners is York University.

If you do not fall into the International Visiting Research Trainee (IVRT) category,
please click here to see which other visitor category you may fall into.
A. If you are being invited by a faculty member from the York University Glendon campus, please
kindly click here and follow the application process for visiting scholar at Glendon.
B. If you are applying for Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Scholarship program, please contact: Beth Alaksa, Coordinator of International Mobility Programs, York International at 416-736- 2100 ext.77623 or email: balaksa@yorku.ca

What Should I do as an International Visiting Research Trainee (IVRT) at York University?

There are three major steps to follow if you meet the criteria listed above and are
interested in becoming an IVRT at York:

1. IVRT application at York International

  1.  Contact a Faculty member who is willing to host and supervise you during your visit as an IVRT to York University;
  2.  Obtain a signed IVRT invitation letter from the inviting Faculty member;
  3. Submit a completed IVRT application to York International via email to iadvisor@york.ca.

A complete IVRT application includes:

  • IVRT Application Form
  • Proof of full time enrolment from home institution
  • Proof of English proficiency from home institution, AND
  • IVRT Invitation letter from the inviting faculty (please use the template provided).

Tips to avoid delay:

  • Documents issued from home institution in other language should be translated in English.
  • The IVRT application and invitation letter must be completed with ALL required signatures.
  • IVRT application can’t be finalized until you obtain a valid work permit issued by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). You should start the preparation of the IVRT and work permit application at least 3 months prior to your visit at York University.

2. Work Permit

As an IVRT, you are required to apply for a work permit whether you are paid or not.
1) Step for the inviting faculty - Offer of Employment & Employer's Compliance Fee to IRCC
Before you can apply for your work permit, your inviting faculty at York U (the employer) must submit an
Offer of Employment and pay a compliance fee CAD$230 via the electronic portal via the IRCC website,
and receive an employer ID number upon completion. You will have to include this number into your
work permit application. For each faculty at York there is a designated administrative support person for
this task. Please click here for the list of designated persons for each faculty. Your inviting faculty
member can connect with the designated person directly for submission of the offer of employment and
compliance fee.
2) Step for IVRT - Work Permit Application
Apply for a work permit at your local Canadian visa office/embassy or Visa Application Center (VAC).
- Click here to find out to which visa office you could submit your work permit application.
- Click here for more information about work permit application.
Don’t forget to include the employer ID number in your work permit application.


  • IVRTs arriving in Canada without valid immigration documentation may NOT be allowed to enter
    the country. Please ensure that you comply with the work permit requirement set out by IRCC.
  • Submitting a work permit application does not guarantee issuance of a work permit. The Canadian visa office/embassy/high commission overseas is the only authority that makes decision on the application.

3. Upon Arrival in Canada

You, the IVRT, should connect with York International within 2 days upon your arrival to:

  • Obtain your official York admission letter
  • Register for health insurance (UHIP) for yourself and your accompanying dependents (if applicable)

There are also fees associated with your IVRT status as noted below. All charges will appear on your student account. Please see payment instruction here.

Fees to York University Fees to IRCC
IVRT administrative fee: $300 (one-time payment) Employer Compliance fee (paid by the hosting faculty): $230
Supplementary fee: $253.84/ term Work permit application fee (paid by the IVRT participant): $150
University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)*: $51/month

*Subject to change

Frequently Asked Questions - International Visiting Research Trainee (IVRT)

Q1: How do I apply to become an IVRT at York University?


For application details please refer to: yorkinternational.yorku.ca/international-visiting-

Q2: When should I apply?


IVRT applications usually take 4-6 weeks to process. It is recommended that you submit the
IVRT application 2-3 months prior to your visit at York University to avoid delay.

Q3: What documents do I need to apply to be an IVRT at York University?


  1.  International Visiting Research Trainee Form
  2.  Letter of Invitation to be completed by inviting faculty
  3.  Proof of Full Time Enrolment – letter issued by your home institution confirming your
    enrollment. This letter should be issued in either English or French, printed on official
    letterhead, and dated within the last six months.
  4.  Proof of English Proficiency – letter issued by your home institution confirming that your
    English ability is sufficient for your visit at York University. This letter should be issued in
    either English or French, printed on official letterhead, and dated within the last six
    months. An official language test (i.e. TOEFL or IELTS) result is also acceptable.

Q4: Where do I submit my completed application documents?



Submit all completed documents to the Immigration Specialist at York International via

Q5: How long does it take to process an application?


Once all required documents are submitted, it typically takes 4-6 weeks of receipt of a
complete application for the application to be processed.

Q6: I am not getting paid at York University. Why am I required to apply for a Work Permit?


According to Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada regulations, foreign nationals
who are performing activities in the definition of work must apply for a work permit. Please
contact your local Canadian visa office or embassy to confirm the necessity for a Work
Permit before applying. Please note that entering Canada without proper immigration
documentation may result in immediate deportation.

Q7: Can I apply for a study permit instead of a work permit?


IVRTs will not be enrolled in any classes during their visit at York U, and therefore a Study
Permit would NOT be applicable.

Q8: What type of support does York International provide the International Visiting Research Trainee?


  1.  York International provides assistance and answers questions that you may have about
    coming to York University as an International Visiting Research Trainee.
  2. York International connects with hosting faculty members and faculty executives to
    facilitate the IVRT application.
  3. York International connects with hosting faculty members and faculty executives to provide assistance in IVRT’s work permit application.
  4. York International contacts IRCC for updated immigration requirements for IVRTs.
  5. York International administers enrolment in the University Health Insurance Plan

Q9: Why am I required to pay an Administrative Fee?


The Administrative is charged to cover the costs of processing the
IVRT application as well as the support provided during the application process.

Q10: Why am I required to pay a Supplementary Fee?


Supplementary Fees are charged to everyone who holds a York ID number at the
University. This fee and the student number allow access to a number of campus resources.

Q11: Why do I have to enroll in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)?


Due to liabilities, the University is required to ensure that all non-Canadian students and
visitors enroll in an approved insurance plan. The University Health Insurance Plan provides
better coverage than most temporary insurance plans.

Q12: Can I enroll in an insurance plan other than the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)?


No. UHIP is mandatory for IVRTs. If you are an IVRT at York University then you will be
required to sign up for UHIP.

Q13: How do I find housing for my stay in Canada?


  1.  For on campus housing options refer to: studenthousing.info.yorku.ca/yorkapts/
  2.  For off campus housing options there are a variety of websites that cater to short term housing. Refer to: www.places4students.com/ (note that this is a recommendation and not the only option available).
  3.  For other general information on accommodation refer to

Q14: How do I get access to the library, gym and other on campus facilities while I am at York?


Once you receive your York ID number, you can obtain your YU Card at 200 William Small
Centre. Your YU Card allows you access to various facilities on campus. For more
information on the YU Card refer to: yucard.info.yorku.ca/

Q15: Who is my primary contact during my stay in Canada as an IVRT?


You primary contact during your stay at York University is the hosting faculty member who
invited you to York University.

Frequently Asked Questions – Faculty Members

Q1: I am interested in bringing in a graduate or PhD student from another country to perform
research. What are my options?


If you apply through York International, you can assist the student to come to York University
as an International Visiting Research Trainee. Refer to the following link for details:
yorkinternational.yorku.ca/international-visiting- research-trainee/

Q2: Why does the student have to apply through the York International IVRT application
process and incur extra costs?


York International is the central office at York University for international students,
scholars and visitors and is therefore required to keep track of all incoming international
students, scholars and visitors for possible reporting to Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship
Canada (IRCC). This process includes associated fees that have been approved by the
Provost Office.

Q3: Why do the documents have to be signed by the Associate Dean Research?


The protocols regarding who should sign the related application documents were approved
by the Provost Office as part of the creation of IVRT requirements.

Q4: Why do I have to use the Letter of Invitation template provided by York International?


Using the template invitation letter helps ensure that all the details about roles and
responsibilities of both the hosting faculty and the IVRT participant are delivered. The
protocols regarding the Letter of Invitation were approved by the Provost Office as part of the
creation of IVRT requirements.

Q5: What is my next step after issuing the invitation letter to the IVRT?

The hosting faculty will need to submit an Offer of Employment and to pay a Compliance fee
(CAD$230) to IRCC in order to support the work permit application of the IVRT. The hosting
faculty member should contact the designated person in your faculty (as per the table below)
who has the access to the IRCC portal for the submission of the Offer of Employment and the
Compliance fee.

Faculty Contact
AMPD Loredana Infusini
Education TBD
Environmental Studies Paul Elliott
Glendon Chantal Lishingman
Graduate Studies Kim Mclntyre
Health Andrea England
Lassonde School of Engineering Paulina Karwowska-Desaulniers
LA&PS Aya Javid
LA&PS Research Support Pat Ellis
Osgoode Hall Law School TBD
Schulich School of Business Franca Giovannoni
Science – Physics and Astronomy Marlene Caplan
Science – Chemistry Mary Mamais
Science – Biology Patty Lindsay
Science – Maths and Stats Ann-Marie Carless
Science – Science & Tech Studies Libi Lancia
ORU – Chemisty & Mass Spectrometry Nicole Chevannes-McGregor
Libraries TBD

Q6: How would a department/faculty make payments on behalf of an IVRT out of their accounts
(supplementary fees, administrative fee etc.)


Faculties that are covering the fees for IVRT participants have to provide Account number,
Budget fund number and Cost Center number on the IVRT application form. These fees will
later be charged to the account provided by the faculties.