Student Experiences

Hear from the Students

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"I didn't know that it was possible to look forward to a night class, but I was excited every Wednesday knowing that I would see my peers that evening in this program. Gathering with Indigenous students from all over the world to share our thoughts and experiences on a diversity of topics about global Indigeneity has been fantastic, I would definitely recommend the program to other Indigenous students."

Read more about the students' experiences:

Yfile: Indigenous students shine online in virtual pilot program

On April 7, students from Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and the Philippines presented their final projects for the International Indigenous Student Exchange Program. This eight-week virtual pilot program brought together 16 Indigenous students from various countries and communities to learn about their commonalities and differences.

Yfile: Virtual Indigenous Student Exchange Program a hit with participants

Students and faculty alike are applauding the Indigenous Student Exchange Program, an eight-week pilot program that will end with a virtual public celebration of cross-cultural and transnational learning on April 7...