What Faculty had to Say


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"For me, the program provided explorations and critical reflections on Indigeneity.  The workshops and the Knowledge Fair elevated discussions into discoveries of deep Indigenous spiritualities and the desire to change the conventional restrictive platforms into enabling spaces where one can think and act with respect and cultural empathy, and allow students to build resilience in becoming Indigenous intellectuals".

Read more about their experiences:

Yfile: Indigenous students shine online in virtual pilot program

On April 7, students from Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and the Philippines presented their final projects for the International Indigenous Student Exchange Program. This eight-week virtual pilot program brought together 16 Indigenous students from various countries and communities to learn about their commonalities and differences.

Yfile: Virtual Indigenous Student Exchange Program a hit with participants

Students and faculty alike are applauding the Indigenous Student Exchange Program, an eight-week pilot program that will end with a virtual public celebration of cross-cultural and transnational learning on April 7...