- Mitacs
- York International Outbound Funding Opportunities
- For funding to travel to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (please contact
- FGS funding opportunities
York Internal Research Funding Opportunities
- Connected Minds
- Canadian Friends of HUJI and Tel Aviv University
- Glendon College Resources
- Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change Resources
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Resources
- Faculty of Health Resources
- Faculty of LA&PS Resources
- Faculty of Engineering Resources
- Faculty of Science Resources
- Schulich School of Business Resources
- Vision: Science to Application
- York Global Learning Funding for Student Research
- York Centre for Asian Research
- York Incentive Grant (restricted access)
- York Funding for Scholarly Events and Outreach Activities (restricted access)
External Research Funding Opportunities
- Banting PDF
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Global Scholars
- Canadian International Development Scholarships (BCDI)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program
- Global Affairs Canada
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Mitacs
- New Frontiers in Research Fund
- NSERC International Alliance
- Queen Elizabeth Scholarships
- Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
- Study in Canada Scholarships
- Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship
- Vanier Doctoral Scholarships
European Union
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action- PDF and Doctoral Fellowships
- Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds travel awards
- DAAD German Academic Exchange Services
- Humboldt Foundation
- Human Frontiers PDF
- Finland PDF Award
- Horizon Europe
- TUM Global PDF
United Kingdom
- British Academy International Fellowships
- Royal Society Wolfson Visiting Fellowship
- Royal Society Newton International Fellowship
- Royal Society UK Global Challenge Research Fund
Other International
To remain apprised as to upcoming international opportunities, please see York International's Global Opportunities e-Digest.