Information Session: CUSMA (NAFTA 2.0) Field Course: Free Trade, Unfree Labour and Environmental Justice in Continental North America

November 16, 2023 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
YI Classroom York lanes 242/York Lanes or on Zoom
  • Destination: Mexico
  • Duration: June 17th – June 21st, 2024
  • This course introduces students to the practical implications of a continental free trade through immersive experiences in Southern Ontario and Central Mexico. Students taking part will be enrolled at either York University or the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The course will explore how the agreement is related to, and affects, environmental justice broadly conceived: Thematic topics of interest will include food and agriculture; energy, extractives, and infrastructure; migration and labour regimes. Across these examples the course will centre upon the overarching themes of gender, financial investment, Indigenous rights, and social movements for racial and environmental justice.
  • Learn more by joining our information session (Registration via the link):Hybrid at YI Classroom York lanes 242/York Lanes or on Zoom on November 16th 2024 @11:30am: