Engage: Outgoing Global Learning Funding

York University has a variety of scholarships and awards available to help students offset the costs of travel. Please review the list below for more information on eligibility, scholarship/award amounts, and deadlines to apply.

York International Mobility Award

The York International Mobility Award is a travel subsidy provided to degree-seeking students in support of their participation in global learning opportunities. Global learning opportunities include academic exchanges, short term programs, faculty-led programs, co-operative/experiential learning programs, research placements, and academic conferences and case competitions. *


    • Students must be accepted on a global learning opportunity administered by York International, Glendon, Schulich, or Osgoode.
    • Students accepted on a program by the above programs/faculties are not required to submit an application.
    • Student traveling abroad on an independent program (i.e., research, conference) must complete an online application.

Award Amounts:

Note: Award amounts may vary from year to year based on available funds and number of student applicants.

Program Type Funding Amount
Academic Exchange Up to $1000
Partner Summer Schools Up to $500
Faculty-led programs Up to $500
Global Internships
  • 2 month placements up to $500
  • 3 month+ placements up to $1000
  • Student receiving MITACS funding or financial support from the host institution are not eligible for YIMA
Research Abroad
  • 2 month placements up to $500
  • 3 month+ placements up to $1000
  • Student receiving MITACS funding or financial support from the host institution are not eligible for YIMA
  • Not applicable for graduate students travelling to conduct field work related to their thesis.
Academic Conferences and Case Competitions Up to $500



Applications are assessed and funds are administered throughout the year on a monthly basis.

International Study Abroad Award for Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (All countries)

LA&PS is committed to offering global experiences that enable students to grow and learn about the world. LA&PS students who want to study or participate in academic international activities abroad as part of their degree but need financial assistance can apply for the International Study Abroad Award. When they return, students may be asked to share their experiences with their peers by attending a study abroad session or event.


Current registered LA&PS undergraduate students (Canadian or international) with a minimum GPA of 5.00 (C+) are eligible to apply. Graduate students should contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies for information on funding opportunities. Applicants must also be approved for one of the following study abroad options:

      • York International Academic Exchange (one or two terms)
      • York International Global Internship
      • York International Placement Practicum abroad
      • YorkU Summer Abroad course
      • Short-term Study Abroad Program (less than 3.0 FCE)
      • Experiential field trip abroad in a LA&PS course
      • International conference presentation

Students are eligible to receive one award within an academic year and a maximum of two awards in the duration of their studies (as long as one is associated with a student exchange program).

Deadlines: Students may apply any time, but should apply at least four weeks before their official date of departure or start date of the activity. Awards are intended to provide support to eligible undergraduate students for their upcoming study abroad – retroactive applications will not be considered.

Apply: Apply directly on the LA&PS Study Abroad: Funding webpage.

External Awards

Study at the Hebrew University Jerusalem

Email: cjs@yorku.ca

Website: yorku.ca/cjs

Study at Tel Aviv University

Email: cjs@yorku.ca

Website: yorku.ca/cjs

Ontario Universities (OUI) Scholarships

Students must be selected for an Ontario Universities International (OUI) program, be a Canadian citizen or permanent residence to receive funding. 

To learn more about the OUI program options, please visit - https://yorkinternational.yorku.ca/additional-opportunities/ 

OBW and ORA full-year exchange - $3,500 

OBW and ORA one-semester exchange - $2,500 

OBW and ORA Summer Language Programs - $1,200 

OBW Summer Research Program - $3,500 for a three-month long research stay, and $2,600 for two months 

ORA Summer Research Program - $1,500 (for two or three months) plus students receive monthly stipends from the French labs. 

RISE-Globalink Research Internship

Mitacs is pleased to launch a special initiative in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The RISE-Globalink Research Internship (RISE-GRI) offers undergraduate students at Canadian universities the opportunity to undertake summer research internships at eligible German institutions.

RISE-GRI pairs students at Canadian universities with three-month projects supervised by PhD students in Germany.

  • Open to full-time undergraduates in biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, earth sciences, or engineering (or a closely related field) who have completed at least two years of a four- or five-year program
  • Students in Quebec enrolled in a three-year undergraduate degree must have completed at least one year of their university program
  • Projects must start between May 15 and July 10, 2023
  • Approved recipients receive $6,000 toward travel and accommodations

Students must apply through the RISE application portal.

  • Application deadline: December 15, 2022 (5:59 p.m. ET)

To learn more about this internship program, applicants are encouraged to consult RISE Germany’s FAQ page.

For more information about the application, matching process, and internship placements, please contact rise-germany@daad.de.

For questions regarding funding, please contact Mitacs at helpdesk@mitacs.ca.

Killiam Fellowship Program

The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country. Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student (registering at their home university, paying their home fees, and attending the host university as an exchange visitor) or as a self-placed visiting student (applying for and registering at the host university, and paying host tuition fees).

The Killam Fellowship Program offers you:

  • USD $5.000 per semester
  • Health Insurance Allowance
  • Up to USD $800 for in-country travel
  • Fall Orientation in Ottawa, ON
  • Spring Seminar in Washington, DC

Application deadline to York International for exchange to these Killam partner universities: December 1st, 2023.

Click Here to Apply


Aalborg University Exchange Scholarship (Denmark)

Amount: Approx. $1500
How to Apply: Click here to apply

Aalborg University offers a generous exchange scholarship to York University students who choose Aalborg as their exchange destination. Don’t miss this great opportunity!

Click here to find out more about the opportunity, Aalborg University exchange programs, and courses.

Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)

Are you ready to expand your horizons and share your language and culture with French Students? 
The Teaching Assistant Program in France offers you the opportunity to work in France for 7 months, teaching English to French students of all ages. Each year, a hundred positions are offered to Canadian citizens and permanent residents to teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France such as French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion.
This program is a joint initiative of the French Ministry of Education,France Education International(formerly known as CIEP) and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Canada. The program’s goal is to strengthen English-language instruction in French schools by establishing a native speaker presence, while also providing Canadian Francophiles with an excellent teaching experience abroad and first-hand knowledge of French language and culture.

Assistants teach a minimum of 12 hours per week in up to 3 schools (close location to one another). Classes are conducted mostly in English. Teaching assistants conduct all of a class with a referent teacher or part of class, independently.

Typical duties include serving as a resource person in conversation groups, providing small group/individual tutorials, introducing students to Canadian culture and history as well as facilitating cultural understanding between France and Canada. Assignments vary depending on the school’s needs and the assistant’s abilities.

Assistants receive a gross monthly salary of €1010.67 After obligatory deductions for health insurance and social security, the net salary is approximately 800 € (about 1080$ CAD), but this amount may vary from year to year and from academy to academy. Due to the higher cost of living in the overseas departments, assistants in French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion receive an additional salary allowance of 30% to 35%.


Embassy of France Scholarships (France)

To learn more, please click here!

Deadline: February 4, 2024

Coming to France for your studies, and you’re looking for financial aid ? Applications are now open for scholarships supported by the French Embassy in Canada.

To find all available scholarships, please click here!

DAAD Scholarship at Bauhaus University Weimar

Duration: max. 5 month (minimum 3 month)
Residence allowance: € 850 per month
Travel allowance: € 820 (one-off payment)
Total bursary: Appr. € 5.070

Winter semester 2023/24 (Oct 23 – Feb 24) or Summer semester 2024 (April 24 – July 24)


4 Faculties:

  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • Civil Engineering
  • Art and Design
  • Media

For more information: http://www.uni-weimar.de/

Fact Sheet: Bauhaus_Factsheet_2023-24

SWEA Toronto Scholarship

Going on exchange to Sweden?

Who can apply?

  • Full-time student at an ON university with an official exchange with a Swedish university
  • Accepted to single semester or full academic year exchange to Sweden
  • Undergraduate or graduate student
  • Canadian citizen or landed immigrant in Canada

How are the scholarships awarded?

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and whether the students can convey in their application letter that they are eager to learn about Swedish culture and society, or would benefit particularly from studying in Sweden.

We award $2,000 for either a full academic year exchange or a single semester exchange.

How to apply?

Please contact your exchange coordinator for details!

Deadline: Applications must reach SWEA Toronto by Monday, May 1, 2023


Swansea University TAITH Bursaries

Amount: 3 awards, up to £1000
How to Apply: Please email Ashley Laracy at alaracy@yorku.ca


  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Outgoing exchange students to Swansea University

Taith funding is funding provided by the Welsh government to support students undertaking a year abroad, semester abroad, or summer programme.

For more information, please click here!

University of Zurich

Amount: Up to CHF 2500

The University of Zurich offers a scholarship of up to 2,500 CHF (Swiss Francs) for a York University student participating in an exchange program for the 2025-26 academic year. To be eligible, students must apply for and be accepted into an exchange program at the University of Zurich for one semester. Students can make note of their interest of receiving the scholarship in their letter of intent when applying to the exchange program.

Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program 2024-25

Amount: The amount varies
How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Either:
    • A full-time teaching or research staff at a post-secondary or research institution in Canada;
    • A student enrolled in either a college, undergraduate or graduate program at Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada; or
    • A mid-career professional from a Canadian government, media or cultural organization, or a national education association, who has a graduate (Master's or doctoral) degree and has had managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities within this organization for at least three years.
  • Have achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable. Where Chinese is the language of instruction, proficiency must be HSK level 3 for undergraduate studies and HSK level 4 for graduate studies;
  • Pursue an exchange in China; Eligible institutions and programs are marked by an asterisk (*) on the Campus China website ;
  • Not be seeking a degree in China;
  • Be under 45 years of age if applying under the “General Scholar” category of the China Scholarship Council (CSC); and
  • Be under 50 years of age if applying under the “Senior Scholar” category of the CSC.

Deadline: March 4, 2024

Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program is part of Global Affairs Canada’s International Scholarships Program.

Global Affairs Canada and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to pursue post-secondary studies, research or Chinese language training or a combination of these activities at institutions in China. Established in 1973, the Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program (CCSEP) was the result of an undertaking by then Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Over the past 50 years, more than 1,100 scholars have participated in the program. Canadian scholars have brought new perspectives to their host country and returned to Canada with enhanced knowledge and understanding of China. To learn more, please click here!

Endowed Awards

York International is pleased to be able to assist students in accessing scholarship and bursary funding to help offset the cost of their participation in a Global Learning Initiative. Below is information about the specific awards available to students going abroad.

  • Applications for Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Winter 2026 are now open
  • Students who receive an endowed award will not be eligible for YIMA funding
  • Deadline: April 1, 2025 at 11:59pm ET
  • Questions? Email: goglobal@yorku.ca

Paulina Lau Scholar Program

Amount: up to $7,500
How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

The Paulina Lau Scholars Program was created to benefit undergraduate and graduate students travelling overseas to engage in coursework, research or internships. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need and are in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Lassonde School of Engineering or the Faculty of Science. Applicants must articulate "impact" in their application by explaining how their global learning placements will positively shape their personal and professional goals and cross-cultural learning. This scholarship program is established by York alums and life partners Hian Siang Chan, Paulina Lau and their family to inspire future generations of students to right the future. To learn more about these illustrious alumni, please click here.

Mann Award of Excellence for Study Abroad (All countries)

Amount: 1 award, up to $7,500


  • Be majoring in the Humanities, Social Science, Fine Arts or Sciences
  • Be pursuing full-time, 3rd year studies in a formal York University Exchange Program in a country outside of Canada and the United States
  • Have demonstrated academic excellence and financial need
  • Be a Canadian citizen/landed immigrant and Ontario resident

How to Apply: Online applications now open.Click here to apply!

This bursary was established through a gift from Dr. Susan Mann, President of York University, 1992-1997, to acknowledge her own introduction to study abroad by her parents.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business or Osgoode School Law School.

Sean O’Sullivan and Lydia Evans International Experience Award (All countries)

Amount: 1 award, up to $2000


  • Have demonstrated financial need
  • Confirm, in the written statement part of the application that they have not travelled outside Canada prior to the exchange.
  • Be a Canadian citizen/landed immigrant and Ontario resident

How to Apply: Online applications now open.Click here to apply!

This award will be awarded to an undergraduate student participating in an official International Exchange Program through York Interntaional who has not travelled outside of the country (Canada) before. Students must have a minimum GPA of 6.00 to qualify.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business or Osgoode Law School.

The Italian Canadian Savings Foundation Study Abroad Award (Italy)

Amount: 2 awards, up to $3500


  • GPA of 6.00 (B)
  • Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario
  • Demonstrate financial need

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

The Italian Canadian Savings Foundation Study Abroad Award will be given to a full-time student participating in one of York's international exchange or study abroad programs.

Ahrens Scholarship (Austria/Germany)

Amount: 2 awards, up to $3500


  • Have at least a B+ average (7.0 GOA)
  • Have elected to travel to Germany/Austria under the year-abroad program

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

Selection is made by the faculty of Arts, with preference given to a student majoring in German or German Studies.

Hong Kong University Alumni University Association Exchange Award (China)

Amount: 1 award, amount varies


  • Be registered on exchange at a Hong Kong university through an official York University exchange program
  • Be a Canadian citizen/permanent resident, and Ontario resident as defined by the Ontario Student Assistance Program
  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of C+ (5.0) and demonstrate financial need

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

The Hong Kong University Alumni Association (Ontario) established this award to promote a better understanding of Chinese culture and heritage among York students through academic, extra-curricular or personal activities.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business.

HKUAA (Ontario) Chinese Cultural Heritage Award (China)

Amount: 1 award, up to $1000


  • The recipient must be registered at a Hong Kong university through an official York University exchange program
  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of C+ (5.00).
  • The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident
  • Demonstrate financial need

How to Apply: Online applications now open.Click here to apply!

The Hong Kong University Alumni Association (Ontario) established this award to promote a better understanding of Chinese culture and heritage among York students through academic, extra-curricular or personal activities.

The John Marden Bursary (China)

Amount: 1 award, up to $2100


  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be a Canadian citizen/landed immigrant and Ontario resident
  • The application form for this bursary is available from the East Asian Studies Department

How to Apply: Online applications now open.Click here to apply!

Made possible by a donation from Anne Marden, in honour of her husband, John, a former chair of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce. The bursary is administered by the East Asian Studies Department. It is awarded annually to a graduate or undergraduate who is studying about Hong Kong or who is going on an exchange to Hong Kong.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business

Kim Kyong-Won Award (South Korea)

Amount: 1 award, amount varies


  • The recipient must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 6.00.
  • Second preference is for a Korean student registered at York University on an exchange/study abroad program, who is interested in the arts and/or social sciences.

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

Awarded annually to a York University student who is participating in a York-Korea exchange/study abroad program.

The Joseph and Josephine Webber Memorial Fund for International Education (Germany)

Amount: Multiple awards, variable amounts


  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be a Canadian citizen/landed immigrant and Ontario resident
  • Submit a report on their experiences to York International upon their return

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

The Joseph Webber Memorial Fund for International Education honours the memory of Joseph Webber in accordance with his conviction that international study plays an important role in student's academic and personal development. The bursary will be awarded annually to both graduate and undergraduates (in approximately equal numbers) who have been selected by York University to study at a university in (1) Germany, (2) Europe, or (3) another country as part of their York degree program.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business.

Mark and Janet Webber Award (Germany)

Amount: 1 award, up to $2500


  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be a Canadian citizen/landed immigrant and Ontario resident
  • Demonstrate a record of community service

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

Priority for the award in an undergraduate student in German Studies who will be participating in a study-related stay abroad (priority will be given to going to Germany and then Europe). Students in a humanities discipline, studying in Germany or Europe can be considered if necessary.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business

Aditya Jha Award for Jawaharlal Nehru University academic Exchange Program (India)

Amount: 1 award, up to $1250


  • Recipient must be registered at York in a degree program and selected to participate in the approved formal exchange program with Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Demonstrate academic merit (cumulative GPA of 6.0)
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be an Ontario resident, who is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

This award is intended to promote the internationalization of York University’s curriculum by reducing the financial barriers that prevent students from participating in international study opportunities. Recipient must be registered at York in a degree program and selected to participate in the approved formal exchange program with Jawaharlal Nehru University.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business.

York International Experience Award India (India)

Amount: 1 award, up to $1000


  • Selected to participate in approved formal exchange programs, international study abroad programs or international internship or practicum opportunities in India, (administered by York International).
  • Recipients must demonstrate academic merit (minimum cumulative GPA of 6.0).
  • Recipients must also be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

This award is intended to promote the internationalization of York University's curriculum by reducing the financial barriers that prevent students from participating in international study and internship opportunities. Recipients must be registered at York in a degree program.

The Annunziata Di Ponio Award (Italy, Greece, Spain)

Amount: 1 award, up to $1250


  • Approved formal exchange program or approved international study abroad program in Italy, Greece or Spain.
  • Recipients must be able to demonstrate financial need.

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

Award recipients must be registered at York in a degree program and selected to participate in an approved formal exchange program or approved international study abroad program in Italy, Greece or Spain. Recipients must be able to demonstrate financial need as a barrier to participation, as this award is intended to reduce the extra cost of studying and/or working overseas for York University students. Recipients will also be asked by York International to submit a Returning Student Report upon completion of their time overseas, which will be shared with the donor, Nancy Beltrame.

Growing up as a young girl in Italy, Annunziata Di Ponio (now known as Nancy Beltrame) was not allowed to complete elementary school. Nevertheless, she graduated from York in 2006 at the age of 66, with a double major in Italian and Spanish. She emigrated to Canada at the age of 17, and the priest that married her the following year advised that she shorten her name to Nancy to avoid discrimination (her married name became Beltrame). In Canada, she raised four children in Thornhill, Ontario. After a miraculous recovery from a brain tumor on Christmas morning, 1998, she decided to spend several weeks each year traveling to third world countries to provide assistance and supplies to people living in poverty. Despite a life of incredible adversary, she enrolled at York University once her children were grown, to finally pursue dream of obtaining a solid education. Having only completed grade 5, and with classmates who were several decades her junior, this was no easy task. Her rich life experience, extreme dedication, perseverance and passion enabled her to succeed, and to participate in two of York International’s academic exchange programs in Italy and Greece.

Nancy Beltrame is a fine example of what it means to “redefine the possible” and York. Now, as a graduate, she wishes to enable more York students to participate in the University’s international academic exchange programs. With the help of her proud family and friends, she has generously established the Annunziata Di Ponio Award, in her original Italian name, to remember that little girl who always wanted to get an education.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business.

The York-Sweden Exchange Bursary (Sweden)

Amount: 2 awards, up to $1000


  • Demonstrate financial need

How to Apply: Online applications now open. Click here to apply!

The York-Sweden Exchange Bursary is available to a full-time registered degree-seeking student who is nominated to one of York’s university-wide exchange programs with a partner in Sweden and who demonstrates that financial need is a barrier to participation. First consideration for the award will go to a student selected for exchange with Umea University, Umea, Sweden. Students selected for York’s other Swedish exchange programs will be considered if there is no student nominated for Umea or the students nominated for Umea do not show need.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business

The Hakan Berggren Fellowship (Sweden)

Amount: 2 awards, up to $1500


  • Swedish student studying at York
  • York student studying at a Swedish university

How to Apply: Online applications now open.Click here to apply!

This Fellowship has been established by the members of the Swedish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce to recognize the contribution of Ambassador Berggren to Canada-Sweden relationships and the academic linkages between Sweden and Canada. The Fellowship can support up to two students annually who are participating in the Swedish study abroad program -- a Swedish student studying at York and a York student studying at a Swedish university.

This award is not open to students at the Schulich School of Business

Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies scholarships (Israel)

Value: 10 awards, amount varies

The awards are all based at York and adjudication is through the Centre for Jewish Studies.

Visit their website for more information and a link to the application for these awards and the deadline information.