November 23, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
York Lanes Building
York Lanes room 242
York Lanes room 242
Multiple choice, short answer, calculations, or essay style- which form is your personal nemesis? Whatever the format, midterms, or finals, if you could use some help in preparing for exams then this workshop in partnership with Learning Skills Services is for you!
By the end of this workshop, students will be able to...
- Describe the purpose of testing
- Identify new study strategies for your next test/midterms/exams
- Start reflecting on yourself as a learner and test taker
- Identify Strategies specific to multiple choice and essay style exams
- Balance your well-being with your academic goals
Please note that capacity is limited. Register now so you save a spot! Light refreshments will be provided.