Coffee Breaks

Coffee Breaks are a space for international and domestic students from across programs, Faculties, countries, and cultures to connect and get to know each other!

Why Should I Join?

Make friends across York's faculties and programs

Learn more about other cultures and share your own experiences

Learn about YorkU tips including services and resources on campus

Take a break from schoolwork and have fun!


How To Join

Step 1

On the York International calendar, click the Coffee Break event you would like to participate in.

Step 2

Sign up and fill out the registration form. A Zoom link will be sent to your email address for virtual coffee breaks. The location for in-person coffee breaks will be available on the event webpage.  


Step 3

You will need to complete the registration form for each coffee break you would like to participate in. If you're attending an in-person coffee break, don't forget to complete the YU screening beforehand.   

Previous topics of discussion

  • Let's Talk Culture Series
  • Learn about YorkU Resources
  • Resumes and Opportunities for Job Postings
  • Movie Nights
  • Practise Speaking English
  • Time Management Workshops
  • Sharing Travel Stories
  • and more!

You are welcome to stay as short or as long as you like. See you there!

"It is rare that you get a chance to listen to the honest authentic perspective from people across the world. I feel so close with everywhere around the world!"
Betty Tan, 3rd year Statistics

Student Experiences

Ashley Tsang

Origin Country: Panama
Program of Study: Psychology
Year: 3
In my first 2 years, I always wanted to join & stay for a Coffee Break but did not have the time OR energy (completing coursework you know) to do it. But now, just having my laptop and internet, I can see what VCB there is that interests me and easily join in & chit chat with my peers! VCB are places where you can just drop in (don't have to stay for the whole session, will be nice, but life happens), find someone who connects with you (in your study program, hobbies, passion, etc), and get to know about things you did not know about (as someone who knows nothing about Navaratri, I am going to attend the VCB about it!!) I have the opportunity to be a VCB facilitator this year term, looking forward to meeting you at one!! As a VCB facilitator, I am improving in my professional and communication skills (still a looooong way to go but this is my journey) to be a more marketable, competitive skill-wise person when I graduate.

Mishal Vellani

Origin Country: Pakistani born living in Uganda
Program of Study: Earth and Atmospheric Science at Lassonde School of Engineering
Year: 1
I personally started following many York university pages on social media and came across York International. I first saw the poster for a virtual summer solstice party. I thought it was a great way to meet people from York so I attended it and it was lots of fun. Similarly, I kept seeing posters of Virtual coffee breaks and kept on wondering what it was. I took an initiative to join one to find out what it was all about and it ended up being a great way for me to build connections and meet people of diverse backgrounds. Also, due to the pandemic, sometimes just sitting at home got boring so by joining these VCBs, I killed my boredom with some amazing people. Now I am a volunteer for York international and host my own VCBs, so that I can provide the same experience to new students that I received from such a remarkable team.

Linh Nguyen (Phuong Linh Nguyen)

Origin Country: Vietnam
Program of Study: BCOM - Accounting
Year: 4
I am volunteering as a facilitator for VCB because I want to feel engaged. For 6-month staying at home by myself, I feel lonely and want to communicate and make new friends. Therefore, when I have spare time taking a break from studying, I join VCB to engage with other peers and learn new things, also volunteer for York International as well to gain experience for internship and job seeking. Thank you York International for giving me this opportunity to join this wonderful community.

Get Involved

Become a Volunteer
We are always looking for new students to join our volunteer group, where you are able to gain valuable leadership experience while having fun!
Follow us on Instagram

We post updates every week about our Coffee Breaks and other events!

Coffee Breaks, Before COVID
Check out this video about our Global Cafe on campus, where hopefully one day we will all be able to meet in person!