Presentation Summaries and Translations

Summaries and translations of Global Connections' Online Session  will be available in many languages shortly after each session's date.

Session 1 - Welcome! Discover the World at York (June 9, 2015)

Session 2 - Find a House Make a Home (June 18, 2015)

Session 3 - Shop, Dine, & Tour Toronto (July 8, 2015)

Session 4 - York U and You: Life at York (July 22, 2015)

Session 5 - A Taste of York U: Eating on Campus (Aug 4, 2015)

Session 6 - No Car Required: Public Transit in Toronto (Aug 13, 2015)

Session 7 - Pack Your Bags: Pre-Arrival Checklist (Aug 18, 2015)